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Registered User Joined: 3/7/2006 Posts: 9
Hi - I'm using AVGL30 / AVGL30.30 * 100 as a PCF to find a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60 (I'm assuming this is from 30 days in the past to 60 days in the past). [I took this formula from your post entitled 'PCF's for Triangles.] In the Easy Scan, I'm using 'value' and a range of min to 77.18893 (range 1-1) [I've set it this low to limit the resulting symbols for testing].
I'd like to confirm that this is in fact what is happening. Is there any way to get at the source data being used by the formula to validate that I'm actually doing what I want?? Any other ways to confirm. I've looked at many of the charts that result, and some of the slopes are not what I expect.
Many thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
If I'm understanding your request correctly, there are several ways to do this. The most straightforward is probably to select Personal Criteria Formula (Fx) | Edit Personal Criteria Formula | Test | Change Test Symbol.
Another would be to create to Custom Indicators in the Top Section of the Chart.
You could then use the Pointer Mode Data Box to find the values of the formula components by pressing the period key (.) on your keyboard twice (once more to make it go away).
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Plotting Custom Indicators with Examples Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs!
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 3/7/2006 Posts: 9
Hi - thanks for this info. If I change the test symbol, I'll get the result of the calculation for another symbol. I'm looking for the 30 daily values used to calculate AvgL30.
I think it's the same using custom indicators - it gives me the results of the calculation on a daily basis, but not the values used to find AvgL30 and AvgL30.30.
Another associated problem with this PCF. The PCF described above yielded 72 results. I duplicated the PCF and EasyScan for 40 days instead of the 60 days above. The PCF was AvgL20/AvgL20.20*100 using 'value'. The numbers on the left side of the vertical rectangle (values on left side, rank on right side) are all 0. I updated PCF's but I get a message that all PCF's are updated. Since days 20-40 is less restrictive than days 30-60, it seems strange that I'd get 0 values returned for this second easyscan. Any thoughts--what am I doing wrong??

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I misunderstood the question, I thought you wanted the values of AVGL30 and AVGL30.30, not L. Use L as the Value for the Custom Indicator and you can scroll back to reveal the values of L1, L2, etc. (then again, the Data Bar itself will display this value if you scroll back in Pointer Mode):
Customize the Data Bar to display selected data points
Another option would be to create the following Personal Criteria Formula:
(L + L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 + L6 + L7 + L8 + L9 + L10 + L11 + L12 + L13 + L14 + L15 + L16 + L17 + L18 + L19 + L20 + L21 + L22 + L23 + L24 + L25 + L26 + L27 + L28 + L29) / (L30 + L31 + L32 + L33 + L34 + L35 + L36 + L37 + L38 + L39 + L40 + L41 + L42 + L43 + L44 + L45 + L46 + L47 + L48 + L49 + L50 + L51 + L52 + L53 + L54 + L55 + L56 + L57 + L58 + L59) * 100
It should duplicate the results of your first formula and show all of the Daily Lows used for the calculation when you select Personal Criteria Formula (Fx) | Edit Personal Criteria Formula | Test | Change Test Symbol.
QUOTE (B4invest) The PCF described above yielded 72 results. I duplicated the PCF and EasyScan for 40 days instead of the 60 days above. The PCF was AvgL20/AvgL20.20*100 using 'value'. The numbers on the left side of the vertical rectangle (values on left side, rank on right side) are all 0. I updated PCF's but I get a message that all PCF's are updated. Since days 20-40 is less restrictive than days 30-60, it seems strange that I'd get 0 values returned for this second easyscan. Any thoughts--what am I doing wrong?? I can only speculate on what's going wrong. The Values I get along the left side of the EasyScan for your first formula are: 114.053, 106.508, 101.7184, 98.17676 and 92.82402 with 77.39208 as the breakoff point for a Range of 1 to 1. The Values I get along the left side of the EasyScan for your second formula are: 109.266, 104.1002, 100.7538, 97.82477 and 92.8332 with 77.39208 as the breakoff point for a Range of 1 to 1.
Try selecting Databank | Personal Criteria Formulas and changing the Calculate For: to another Watchlist and then Change it to All Items in System before updating it again.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
QUOTE (B4invest) Hi - I'm using AVGL30 / AVGL30.30 * 100 as a PCF to find a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60 (I'm assuming this is from 30 days in the past to 60 days in the past).
The PCF you are using reveals nothing about "a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60".
If what you actually want is "a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60", I suggest you put a Linear Regression Slope Filter of Period 30 delayed 30 days on Closing Prices and require that it be negative.
I doubt that you actually want "a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60". My guess is that you may be looking for a "downslope/trend" over the last 60 days. In that case you, probably want to require that a Linear Regression Slope Filter of Period 60 on Closing Prices be negative.
Thanks, Jim Murphy
Registered User Joined: 3/7/2006 Posts: 9
Hi - thanks for your help. Couple more questions. As concerns the downslope/trend, what I want to do is have PCF for a double bottom follow a downtrend. I found the formula (AVGL30 / AVGL30.30 * 100 ) in your thread on PCF's for triangles. Am I better off using the Linear Regression Sope Filter with the delay you suggest??
Also, is there a way to highlight selected 'dates' on the chart (just temporarily for testing). For example, I'd like to bracket or highlight the bars between 'today minus 21 days' and 'today minus 42 days' to see if the graph approximates the conditions I (thought I'd) specified in the PCF.
Many thanks. Regards,
Registered User Joined: 3/7/2006 Posts: 9
Hi - I just went back to telechart and telechart help to try to figure outhow to put a 'Linear Regression Slope delayed 30 days', and I can't figure it out. I see how to set up the linear regression, but I can't figure out how to delay it, and how to apply it to slope. Can you provide an example pcf??
Many thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
QUOTE (B4invest) Also, is there a way to highlight selected 'dates' on the chart (just temporarily for testing). For example, I'd like to bracket or highlight the bars between 'today minus 21 days' and 'today minus 42 days' to see if the graph approximates the conditions I (thought I'd) specified in the PCF. I'm not sure I understand. You could create a Custom Indicator or Custom Percent True and plot the results (including viewing numerical results in the Data Box as already discussed above).
30-Period Linear Regression Slope 30-Periods Ago:
(14.5 * C30 + 13.5 * C31 + 12.5 * C32 + 11.5 * C33 + 10.5 * C34 + 9.5 * C35 + 8.5 * C36 + 7.5 * C37 + 6.5 * C38 + 5.5 * C39 + 4.5 * C40 + 3.5 * C41 + 2.5 * C42 + 1.5 * C43 + 0.5 * C44 - 0.5 * C45 - 1.5 * C46 - 2.5 * C47 - 3.5 * C48 - 4.5 * C49 - 5.5 * C50 - 6.5 * C51 - 7.5 * C52 - 8.5 * C53 - 9.5 * C54 - 10.5 * C55 - 11.5 * C56 - 12.5 * C57 - 13.5 * C58 - 14.5 * C59) / 2247.5
60-Period Linear Regression Slope:
(29.5 * C + 28.5 * C1 + 27.5 * C2 + 26.5 * C3 + 25.5 * C4 + 24.5 * C5 + 23.5 * C6 + 22.5 * C7 + 21.5 * C8 + 20.5 * C9 + 19.5 * C10 + 18.5 * C11 + 17.5 * C12 + 16.5 * C13 + 15.5 * C14 + 14.5 * C15 + 13.5 * C16 + 12.5 * C17 + 11.5 * C18 + 10.5 * C19 + 9.5 * C20 + 8.5 * C21 + 7.5 * C22 + 6.5 * C23 + 5.5 * C24 + 4.5 * C25 + 3.5 * C26 + 2.5 * C27 + 1.5 * C28 + 0.5 * C29 - 0.5 * C30 - 1.5 * C31 - 2.5 * C32 - 3.5 * C33 - 4.5 * C34 - 5.5 * C35 - 6.5 * C36 - 7.5 * C37 - 8.5 * C38 - 9.5 * C39 - 10.5 * C40 - 11.5 * C41 - 12.5 * C42 - 13.5 * C43 - 14.5 * C44 - 15.5 * C45 - 16.5 * C46 - 17.5 * C47 - 18.5 * C48 - 19.5 * C49 - 20.5 * C50 - 21.5 * C51 - 22.5 * C52 - 23.5 * C53 - 24.5 * C54 - 25.5 * C55 - 26.5 * C56 - 27.5 * C57 - 28.5 * C58 - 29.5 * C59) / 17995
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
QUOTE (B4invest) As concerns the downslope/trend, what I want to do is have PCF for a double bottom follow a downtrend.
The first thing you need to do is decide whether you want "a downslope/trend for days 30 thru 60" or not.
It now seems like you may want a downslope for days 60 ago through 30 ago followed by double bottom for days 30 ago through 0 ago?
If you decide what you actually want, you can be helped.
Thanks, Jim Murphy
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