efxby |
Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Unsure |
Sunday, September 2, 2007 |
Friday, October 17, 2008 8:17:03 AM |
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I've downloaded FastStone and can copy the image from Telechart to 'Word' but not to this window. I even copied the charts from the Telechart File to 'Word' and tried using FastStone to copy the charts in 'Word' back to here.
What should I select as my destination on the FastStone drop down Output Menu (although I've tried 4 or 5 at this point) before I select the Capture Button? Has the Tree icon - 'Image' Button above the Telechart Topic Window anything to do it?
I'd appreciate your help - Many Thanks
Thanks Hohandy, I'll try it and see what happens.
Is it possible to copy Charts from your Online Help File onto the "New Topic" window in order to ask you a question?
I have tried several times to copy & paste the extract from your files but only the text above and below the chart appears in the box.
It would make it easier to ask my question if I had the chart to refer to. Tks in Advance.
I’m very grateful to each of you and I will take your comments on board.
AB I accidentally came across INVESTOPEDIA only to lose it due to my lack of Internet skills. So I won’t lose it again. TKS
Scott I haven’t followed everything you said, being a novice - the only thing I know about candles at this pt. is I’ve a box of them in my freezer – They burn slower and the flame flickers less, for those romantic evenings!!!! I do know there’s a book on Japanese Candles. However, I will take a look at Interactive Brokers and continue with the ideas your previous XL response gave me. TKS
Diceman I have a request, can you PLEASE write explanations (IN LAYMAN’S LANGUAGE – not Stock Mkt Jargon) for the following if my understanding is incorrect
METHOD Do you mean Indicators used COMMENT Do you mean my reasons for selecting the stock LENGTH Is this the period btwn Bought Date and Sold Date AVG WINNING TRADE Do you mean the Amount won or No. of Trades won AVG LOSING TRADE Opposite to above AVG TRADE LENGTH Don’t know what you mean
There’s no hurry whenever you have time. TYVM
Diceman & Hohandy recommended I join in - Tks Folks.
This 1½ week old Novice with a whole lot to learn, aptly described in this quote "Drowning with information and starving for knowledge" I was delighted to see (Scott's) response to Ƈbtrader' as EXCEL is the only thing I'm familiar with when it comes to computers. Even the Internet is foreign ground.
I'm going to Paper Trade in the coming weeks, regardless of my limited knowledge. My plan is to utilise XL to monitor my progress (not from a monetary but knowledge pt. of view). So I've been trying to decide what column "Headings" and possible formulae would create a decent Spreadsheet to monitor my progress.
Whilst I have created Scott's Spreadsheet on XL it's too advanced for me at the moment. However, it's made me rethink about the my own "little creation". I rather not re-invent the wheel so, I was wondering can any of you knowledgeable people advise me on creating the Spreadsheet.
Many thanks.
Yesterday's Q went awol on me.
Many thanks Craig, for the above explanation and the videos.
Hi Folks, Diceman, Hohandy & Bruce,
Many, many thanks for your suggestions I will follow up on same.
Bruce, T'Chart was highly recommended to me, I do not consider the pesentation of the videos either in content or sequence to be unstructured. My lack of the basics prompted my request to learning purely the jargon / terminology. I cannot find any HELP buttons on my screens!! but came across a link to the Help line on one of your responses to someone else - So I'm learning and do appreciate your help.
Once again, many thanks to all three of you.
Many thanks for your quick response. I've already viewed each of those videos listed (first thing I did) several times plus other videos on your database. My problem is not a lack of understanding the tutorials in getting around Telechart - it's my lack of knowledge as to the meaning of the terminology used ie. Volume; TSV; Divergence etc.
My learning is haphazard & I'd rather it were more structured. Today I viewed many archive reports, printing some of them and making notes on various videos. But there is no real order to my method and there's no corelation to the details gathered as yet. Hence my question.
Do you have any suggestions that I could as a complete beginner utilise as a “road map” to guide me through Telechart that might give me a better STRUCTURED METHOD to gaining an understanding of the basic terminology?
Thanking you in advance.