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Profile: markacz
User Name: markacz
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Gender: Unsure
Joined: Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Last Visit: Sunday, January 19, 2014 4:46:33 AM
Number of Posts: 74
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Is it time for a budweiser? BUD
Posted: Monday, April 24, 2006 12:06:51 PM
Good stock for covered call
Topic: hello i need help with pcf pls
Posted: Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:10:04 PM
QUOTE (Doug_H)
Close vs. Trading Range

Change to:

Close vs. 39 Days Ago

Change to:

TSV19 vs. 39 Days Ago

Change To:

When H=L, then C=H=L and the result is the indeterminate 0/0. Adding the usual .001 to the denominator would be appropriate.
Topic: chaikin Oscillator
Posted: Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:54:37 PM
I believe V*(2*C-H-L)/(H-L) is the only correct form. The intent is to accumulate an "earned volume" in the range
-V < earned volume < +V. The end points of the range occur when C=L and C=H respectively. Also, when H=L, then C=H=L and the result is the indeterminate 0/0. Therefore, it would be appropriate to add the usual .001 in the denominator.
Topic: Moving Avg. as support/resistance, example why I like...
Posted: Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:41:43 PM
My understanding is that hedge funds, mutual funds, and major institutions use the 50 sma for trading and the 200sma trend to determine bull/bear trends.
Securities transitioning rapidly thru the 200 sma are usually driven these large institutions.
Topic: pcf build for new video
Posted: Monday, November 28, 2005 5:19:57 PM
QUOTE (Craig_S)
I believe you are looking for this:

<a href="">Winning Stock Selection Simplified - Vol II PCF Video</a>

The PCFs are listed at the bottom of the page you get when you follow the link.

This is a useful video to refer to. Could you add it to the training video/tutorial list so it can be easily found in the future?
tx, markacz
Topic: 35n Linear Regression slope
Posted: Monday, November 28, 2005 5:14:35 PM
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
Try this:

(17 * C + 16 * C1 + 15 * C2 + 14 * C3 + 13 * C4 + 12 * C5 + 11 * C6 + 10 * C7 + 9 * C8 + 8 * C9 + 7 * C10 + 6 * C11 + 5 * C12 + 4 * C13 + 3 * C14 + 2 * C15 + C16 - C18 - 2 * C19 - 3 * C20 - 4 * C21 - 5 * C22 - 6 * C23 - 7 * C24 - 8 * C25 - 9 * C26 - 10 * C27 - 11 * C28 - 12 * C29 - 13 * C30 - 14 * C31 - 15 * C32 - 16 * C33 - 17 * C34) / 3570

Bruce: Just curious ... is this truly a linear slope? Is it derived from minimum mean squared error?
Topic: Transferring Data
Posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:41:43 PM
QUOTE (Craig_S)
There is currently a download issue and it is being worked on

When download issues occur, please publish a note on the homepage so users are alerted w/o having to research "Ask a Trainer".
tx, markacz
Topic: a newbie looking for some advice
Posted: Saturday, November 19, 2005 12:14:54 PM
Plenty of good newbie advice above. Regarding backtesting ... there is a "kluge" approach. Assuming you can describe your desired "signal" in a PCF form, use "percent true" to identify past points in charts to examine how your "signal" behaved. Cumbersome ... but better than visual searching.
Topic: daytrading
Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:39:50 PM
I appreciate your response ... it does give me a sense of what is achievable. I am focusing on improving my entry/exit/capital protection strategies as you point out in your post. I find the posts from experienced traders quite useful. Please keep them coming.
Topic: daytrading
Posted: Friday, November 11, 2005 11:20:07 AM
Big Block:
I asked the question of you because based on your postings, you appear to be a very knowledgeable and competent trader. Therefore, your success could be considered representative for an accomplished trader. For beginners as myself, you are a "guage" of my progress in contrast to the boasts of others claiming > 80% or 90% profitable trades with high reward/risk ratios. So take my question as a complement.