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Profile: thebernie
User Name: thebernie
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Sunday, July 23, 2006
Last Visit: Friday, July 10, 2015 6:00:32 PM
Number of Posts: 132
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Different MACD
Posted: Friday, July 22, 2011 8:50:13 PM
Not exactly what I was hoping for but thanks anyway.

Topic: Different MACD
Posted: Friday, July 22, 2011 9:09:41 AM

Here’s a MACD with a few subtle changes:

1) The price data used is (H+L+C)/3 rather than the close. I find this makes a subtle improvement in the display of divergences.

2) You can plot a second long time frame MACD line on the same chart (hidden by default).

3) The histogram bars are colored based on the relationship to the previous bar vice the standard above/below zero line coloring.

4) The color of the main MACD line is white when the slope is positive and purple when negative.

Can the following Think Script be converted to anything that telechart can use?

declare lower;
input ShortTimeFrameFastLength = 7;
input ShortTimeFrameSlowLength = 28;
input STFMACDLength = 7;
input LongTimeFrameFastLength = 28;
input LongTimeFrameSlowLength = 112;
input LTFMACDLength = 5;
def fastAvg = ExpAverage(data = hlc3, length = ShortTimeFrameFastLength);
def slowAvg = ExpAverage(data = hlc3, length = ShortTimeFrameSlowLength);
plot STFValue = fastAvg - slowAvg;
DEF STFslope = (STFValue-STFValue[1]);
DEF STFslopeColor = if(STFslope > 0.0,9,0);
plot STFAvg = ExpAverage(data = STFValue, length = STFMACDLength);
def LfastAvg = ExpAverage(data = hlc3, length = LongTimeFrameFastLength);
def LslowAvg = ExpAverage(data = hlc3, length = LongTimeFrameSlowLength);
plot LTFValue = LfastAvg - LslowAvg;
plot Diff = STFvalue - STFavg;
diff.AssignValueColor(if diff >= diff[1] then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);
plot ZeroLine = 0;
Topic: Double tops and bottoms
Posted: Saturday, April 30, 2011 8:38:59 AM
QUOTE (alindsley)
theBernie as I began reading back from the beginning of this thread, and followed some of the links given, I made a
  • PCF for double bottoms - 2 months 100*MINL21/MINL21.21 .
Adding that to an easyscan
  • "Is Between" 96-100 
I then added two other conditions
  • Volume 90-day >1000000 and
  • Price per share >3.00
I like the double bottoms where the 2nd bottom falls below the first bottom a little bit. It amazed me then how many nice double bottoms which appear in TC2000 from this easyscan. Of course I only ran it on Friday but was happy with the results. I ran that scan on the Russell 3000. Later on my Kirkpatrick easyscan watchlist.

One could easily change the pcf for 11 days as truetrend suggests if desired.

Is it to simple to believe that 2 months 100*MaxH21/MaxH21.21 would produce double tops?

Topic: Double tops and bottoms
Posted: Saturday, April 23, 2011 3:38:35 PM


Would you know if there is a way to duplicate this scan in TC2000 v11?


Topic: Double tops and bottoms
Posted: Monday, March 7, 2011 10:40:19 AM
Can these formulas be improved on?

Topic: Double tops and bottoms
Posted: Monday, March 7, 2011 10:29:55 AM
Thbe following PCF's do a fair job representing bottoms.

PCF1: (MAXC10>(MINL10.20+((MAXH10.20-MINL10.20)*.1))AND

PCF2: ((MINL10>MINL10.20*.96) AND (MINL10<MINL10.20*1.04))

PCF3: (C<MAXC10.10 AND C>MAXC10.10*.95) 

How can these be converted to do the same for tops?

Thanks for the help.

Topic: Exponential Moving Average on Price
Posted: Monday, November 1, 2010 7:14:58 PM


When I try to load this in Stockfinder 5, it attempts to download Stockfinder 4.  Do you know what the problem is?


Zero Lag - Error Correcting.sfIndRC - 8 KB, downloaded 12 time(s).

Topic: Stockfinder Formula to Telechart
Posted: Friday, August 21, 2009 8:25:56 PM
Thanks Bruce. If I wanted to use a 5 period, would I simply change all the 10's to 5?

Topic: Stockfinder Formula to Telechart
Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:38:21 PM
You did a thing in stockfinder called Faster with Zero Lagging. It had a 10 period and was a TEMA along with Hiekin Ashi.

Topic: Stockfinder Formula to Telechart
Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:22:09 AM

Bruce had created a formula called Zero Lag that he worked out from a Stock & Commodoties article. 

I wonder if that Zero Lag indicator can be programmed to use in Telechart? It would be more useful to me there.

Thanks for the help.
