Still there. You need to click on the + sign after the last column.
Great! Glad that it helped.
Here is the screenshot in case somebody else wants to know where is the Remote Clipboard.

You can paste all the symbols from the file to the Clipboard (which is available by clicking on the up arraow on the status bar of the TC2000 Anywhere webpage and select "A"). Then Paste to the watchlist.
Bruce, I know some people use the combo lists to mimic the old Pre-V18 easy scan. The main issue with that you can't easily duplicate a combo list but in V18 you can at least save the the pre-scan condition set to be used/mod in another combo list. Now in V19 that's also taken away and it makes the work flow of many traders very inconvenient.
I hope you can report this to the dev management, we need either a way to copy/dup a combo list or a way to save the pre-scan condition set.
Thank you.
Hi Bruce,
Now TC2000 is on beta of V19, may I suggest some performance change?
EVERYTIME I start TC2000, it takes 30 seconds or more to "Transfer Options Symbols" and I don't trade options, it is very annoying. It not only takes time for traders to wait, it also uses bandwidth from the server to download useless stuff (to non-option traders).
Can we add a system setting to enable/disable option symbols? Or can it be made smarter to only download the symbols once a day, not everytime I start it?
Thank you,
- Mark
No problem for me with the latest beta (released today).
Don't see your problem. Sometimes I found that TC2000 can have stale data if left running for too long. Restarting it every now and then would fix similar issues.
Available now at TC2000 Anywhere.
The only thing I am aware of for TC2000 ploting to the future is the "offset" feature of plotting moving averages. But I don't think you can refer to future data in formula except maybe using C'date' such as C'12/26/2018' to refer to a specific date.
Don't think so. I have tried. You can create multiple watchlists and flag the stocks then choose to add flagged items to each watchlist.
There are two ways to "flag" items in TC2000. One is the regular flag the other is the favorties. Both have shortcuts.