terrymccall |
Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Friday, January 21, 2005 |
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 4:20:26 PM |
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Thanks JJ for asking the question on Tick charts. I'm a former Worden customer also looking for tick charts. I prefer Worden to TradeStation but I trade from tick charts so had to part ways some time ago.
Thanks Worden for putting it on the do list.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the great tool and training help. Can you help me to export data on the major indices like the S&P 500? When I try it (as shown in the video) I get all the component stocks not just the index. I also thought about using an ETF, or mutual fund as a substitute, but none seem to work. Any suggestions?
Happy New Year,
Just found Michael's Post: Monday, April 09, 2007 2:18:30 PM. No need to send. As Emily Latilla would say, "Never Mind".
Worden continues to amaze and innovate. Attended the Blocks Player seminar this past Sat. in Minneapolis. BackScanner and Hemscott Financials are now a part of my system. Thanks for the exciting new tools.
Keep it coming especially more information on options. Michael did a great job. He mentioned that his notes would be available for the attendees. Please forward to my email address.
Terry McCall
Love Worden. Great tools and education. I use Gold also to populate my Advanced GET software for Elliott Wave. Two questions (Well maybe 3): 1) Will TC 2007 Gold also work with GET? 2) Will TC2005 or TC2007 work with other Elliott Wave software like Profit Source by HUBB?
Thanks for the post. I agree. My indicators had me exit just before the end of the day today. The Nasdaq and Russell 2000 are at Elliot Wave 5's on the daily and weekly. I'm now looking for collars on the stocks on which I'm still long. My targets are $RUI 556 to 520 and $COMPQ 1716-1570 both by 12/4/07. I've been wrong before, but caution got me out in March of 2000 and has given me a return of >16%/yr on stocks since 1982. This should be an interesting year.
Texas Instruments looks very positive. My understanding is that they have a new chip technology that will be revolutionary. My memory slips but it I think it allows one to turn their PC into a TV. Their whole sector is blasting up. Technically TXN is in a fibinocci wave 5 on their daily chart, but still in wave 3 (longest & strongest)on the weekly. While at the top of a daily channel (i.e. chance it will retreat to @$29.50 or so) my hunch is that in the long term TXN will retrace at least 50% of the big '00 to '02 plunge. This would put TXN back to $56.30 vs. it's $30.77 close today. I've been toying with this one myself (e.g. '07 Call LEAP).
Good trading, Terry
Dear Sir Knowledgable Skeptic,
Having traded stocks and mutual funds for 30 years I have added options to my quiver this past year. With a son-in-law who had his own options business (e.g. Market Maker with 11 people trading his money) I realized that options were well worth the look. With his endorsement I plunked down several thousands of dollars to take the Optionetics Course. They are probably the best out there for teaching options correctly and believe me there is a lot to learn. Optionetics teaches you the safe way to trade and specializes in delta neutral trading. This limits your risk. One key that can save your financial life is never, never, never, sell naked options (i.e. not covered with an opposing asset, stock, put or call depending on your trade). The nice thing about options is that you can make money in any market up, down, or sideways with the right strategy (e.g. Calls, Bull Call Spreads, Call Ratio Backspreads; Puts, Bear Put Spreads, Put Ratio Back Spreads; Calendar Spreads, Butterflys, Condors, etc. etc.). I still use TC2005 to analyse stocks I'm interested in and enjoy Don and Peter's comments and great knowledge. None of us can hope to know it all. Once I know my market (e.g. Stock) and trend that's just step one. I then use software called Advanced GET which does further analysis (e.g. Elliott Wave, Gann) which helps me determine my expected profit, stop loss, and time frame. Next I decide on my likely strategy (e.g. Put, Call, Spread)and consult the Optionetics Platinum website to test and compare the best option risk to reward. Finally, and most important I further manage my risk by determining the number of contracts to trade. Optionetics suggests limiting each trade to 4-5% of your Option account. My son-in-law suggests 2% (i.e. $400 trade on $20K account)and he's a pro. Have I made mistakes? Oh yes. After paper trading for 6 months and getting to 60% winners I was cocky and bought 8 contracts on my first trade when I should have limited myself to 2. I also didn't give myself enough time in the trade (i.e I picked an option too close to expirition date - 1 month instead of 3). My hunch on the stock was correct as was my analysis and option strategy - a Bull Call Spread. But, the stock hit my target two weeks after my options expired. This was a painful lesson on why it's important to have rules and stick to them. Know your exit strategy before you enter the trade. Give your trade enough time. I can't stress enough the importance of good education. You pay in one way or another. Optionetics allows you to take their courses over for life. I learn something new each time I go which is about every month or so in my area or elsewhere. Hope this helps.
Happy trading,

Great tutorial. I've been looking for an ADX method to sort for Straddle candidates. Your sorts are a good tool. When the student is ready the teacher appears.
Thank you,