eladstav |
Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Monday, January 3, 2005 |
Saturday, June 18, 2005 12:04:56 PM |
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Actualy I think I found out what it is. The stocks match if I take off Wilders smoothing, meaning my formula does not take that into considaration. Is it possible to reconfigure so that it will? Thanks.
Hi, I wrote this pcf to sort stocks rated overbought. It tested ok but I am getting stocks sorting "true" that do not fit the critieria (bellow 70 or declining RSI). Can you please advise what is wrong. Thanks. RSI14.1 >= RSI14.1.1 AND RSI14.1.1 >= RSI14.1.2 AND RSI14.1 >= 70
Had to try . On a possibly unrelated to TC issue. Are the percntiles of institutional holdings based on daily actual data or reflect weekly/monthly etc reports provided by institutions for past transactions. I do not know what their obligation is??? Thanks again.
Hello, Is there a way for me to sort by a past value? for example "yesterdays" percent held by institutions. If not is there any way to compare current percent held verus past point in time? thanks
made a mistake in entering the pcf. solved. thank you. i am thinking if i can use the easy scan criteria in 3 different time segments (3 concecetive weeks for example)and flag bottom percent in each sort column i would get stocks that "percent held by institutions" is increasing. can that be done???
thank you. the problem i have is my pfc does not appear as an option in the list when i right click a column. the second part i meant was that i want to identify stocks beeing accumilated by institutions over a 30-60 days period. can i use the easyscan based on "% held by institutions" or is there a way to write a formula to show it. thank you very much for your help.
hello, how do i add the pcf to the watch list tabs default? also, based on the same concept you used can i write a formula indicating institutional buying or selling by value (not rank beeing that i am interested in precised movment and not reletive to other stocks)? thank you
as a new user i am trying to understand the meaning and basic concept behind ms, bop and tsv. in other words the "dictionary" interepertation of what they are? can you please underline them or reffer me to where i can find this info. thank you.