Hey, I just wanted to scan through some dividend bearing stock and wanted to know if this formula is achievable?
(Srock Price / Dividend) * 100
I cant find what to use for Dividend. Please help.
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
We cannot add S&P GSCI Natural Gas ER (SPGSNGP).
You dont even have an additional service I can pay for it? Would like to get that one. I'm looking at UGAZ and its a 3x based on that.
Volatility in Natural Gas has be looking for a commodity futures price for NGZ17 and for the S&P GSCI Natural Gas ER SPGSNGP
I'm assuming I need to buy the tracker for NG prices, but I also assumed the index for S&P NG would come with the service. Any help where I can find these would be apreciated. Thank you.
That was it! You both helped me. I was not paying attention to the hierarchies, completely foolish. Thank you Bruce and Admin for the slap in the face.
I'm trying to create a condition to do a dummy scan for finding potential stocks in the NASDAQ list. I can not get it to work for the life of me. I made a really simple one that should encumpass a much larger number of stocks... but still isnt working.
In this simple one that I am trying just to get to work at a basic level, I am looking for anthing with TSF below 0 now, and EMA9 before MACD12-26 within the last 8 bars set for one month time frame. It found nothing... but when I went thorugh the stocks one-by-one I found one what SHOULD meet these conditions. Please see images below. Thank you in advance.
That would explain why it wasnt working when I tried it that way. Thank you for taking the suggestion Bruce.
Thanks Bruce. But I dont want it on all my symbols. I've been tracking the behavior of an ETF, and noticed a pattern in volume at certain points. So I would like to tag only that ETF on that spacific indicator to continue to track my theory. I'd like to request the ability to choose which indicator the line is associated with.
Getting back to yur work around; So if I make a new pane with just that indicator and add the line... will it show up in the other pane I want it in too? Then i can just delete the temp pane?
Well, I'll guess I can just give it a try when I am back by my own computer tomorrow.
I'm trying to draw a horizontal line on my graph. It is associating to the grid value for the wrong indicator. How do I change which indicator it is attached to? Thank you in advance.