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Profile: Boca Bill
User Name: Boca Bill
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Joined: Friday, May 27, 2016
Last Visit: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 2:40:24 PM
Number of Posts: 5
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: How do you delete and edit PCF's you've created?
Posted: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 6:23:18 AM

I was looking everywhere for these pcf's.  Through all my drives looking for a program file that contained 'em.  This is A LOT easier.  


QUOTE (Bruce_L)

You can select Library and choose Indicators to list Indicator Formulas which return numeric values in TC2000 version 12.3. They will be located in the My Indicators (Formulas) section of the list.

You can select Library and choose Conditions to list Condition Formulas which return boolean (true or false) values in TC2000 version 12.3. They will be located in the My Conditions (Formulas) section of the list.




Topic: Counting bars pcf
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:02:08 PM

QUOTE (donv98)



I have a pcf that counts the number of bars where the 8ema is falling.

Please create a pcf which counts  the number bars where the 8ema falling bars is 0.

Thank you.




What does this accomplish for you?  I'm not a code writer and do not get what you are looking for.

Topic: paper Trade
Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2016 12:33:09 PM



Is there a way to increase the Font size in the Papertrade bar that tells you Today, REalized, Pos Long Short Cash etc.....?

Topic: v16 (or any version after 12) - huge unannounced step down in service quality...
Posted: Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:55:06 AM

QUOTE (Boca Bill)

I logged into FreeStockCharts the other day with email and pw.  I pay for realtime data and have the gold package.

It opens with all the advertising windows taking up 1/3 of my laptop screen and after viewing a few charts a pop up asks me to sign up for the services offered.

As a Gold member already paying for Realtime data.  Is there an extra charge I am not aware of to view realtime charts on FreeStockCharts?  Without the freeze and popup to sign up for further services.


Thank s

You may disregard this message as I found the answer.  www.tc2000(dot)com

Topic: v16 (or any version after 12) - huge unannounced step down in service quality...
Posted: Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:36:10 AM

I logged into FreeStockCharts the other day with email and pw.  I pay for realtime data and have the gold package.

It opens with all the advertising windows taking up 1/3 of my laptop screen and after viewing a few charts a pop up asks me to sign up for the services offered.

As a Gold member already paying for Realtime data.  Is there an extra charge I am not aware of to view realtime charts on FreeStockCharts?  Without the freeze and popup to sign up for further services.


Thank s