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Profile: jakja
User Name: jakja
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Monday, November 22, 2004
Last Visit: Saturday, February 23, 2008 4:31:16 PM
Number of Posts: 8
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: MACD Crossover
Posted: Monday, December 12, 2005 8:48:20 PM

I, too, am grateful for your formulas regarding MACD crossovers.

Topic: MACD Crossover
Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 12:32:44 PM
I understand.

Thanks, Doug.
Topic: MACD Crossover
Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 12:00:49 PM

Thanks for the prompt reply. I will use your suggestions as soon as possible.

However, I am not concerned about how to write a PCF for MACD cross-overs above (or below) the zero-line; but rather when the MACD Histogram begins to tick upwards (i.e. the bars begin to shorten) while the MACD Histogram is still below the zero-line. (I hope I'm making myself clear. But I'm a novice; so it wouldn't surprise me if I weren't!! Ha!)

In any event, thanks again, Doug. I appreciate your help.

Topic: MACD Crossover
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2005 4:59:45 PM
I'm a new user of TC2005. I've been experimenting with writing PCFs for MACD Histogram, using 12,26,9 as the base.

I'm having difficulty writing a PCF that will give me the MACD Histogram below the zero-line and just begining to tick upwards (on a weekly chart.) I want, as the result of the PCF, to see the very beginings of an "upward sloping MACD Histogram."

Please advise.

And thanks for the terrific assistance hithertofore.


Topic: Regarding PCF's for the Sector Momentum sort
Posted: Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:26:47 PM
Thank you for your help. You were correct. It's working.

Topic: Regarding PCF's for the Sector Momentum sort
Posted: Monday, November 29, 2004 6:26:04 PM
I was able to find the PCF's for the Sector Momentum Sort. Thank you.

However, everytime I tag them for use, a screen pops up and states that the formulas need to have a result before I can use them.

While I've had TC2000 for a while, I'm new to many of it's tools. (My fault.)

But I need help on this. Please advise.


Jack Vitlar
Topic: Identifying Sectors gaining momentum video
Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:34:13 PM
Love the video training segments. Thank you very much.

I am unable to set up the appropriate "tabs" for the Price Percent Change Present Month, Prior Month #2, Prior Month #3, and #4. It seems that this requires a PCF that I do not have; nor am I able, on my own, to create.

Can you please assist me in creating the tabs as you illustrate in your video.

Again, I thank you.


Jack Vitlar