I found the answer... Shift-9, Shift-8, ... , Shift-2, Shift-1 for 9, 8, ... 2, 1 zoom level.
Not ideal but better than grabbing mouse, moving cursor, and clicking. 8-)
Is there a keyboard shortcut for the little + and - buttons above the chart that allow changing the zoom level over a 9, 8, ... 2, 1, 1+, 1++ range? I like to use these buttons while flipping through and flagging charts. It would be much easier if there was a keyboard shortcut.
QUOTE (Bruce_L) You aren't missing anything. It is possible to Scan by Rank, but it is not possible to display the Rank as a Sort Column (the actual Sort order would be the same) in TC2000 version 12 like you can do in TC2000 version 7.
Are there any plans to re-instate this functionality in TC2000 v12? It is central to my use of TC2000 v7 and the main reason that keeps me from migrating to and enjoying the new functionality of TC2000 v12. It seems there are many other users that like to sort watchlists by a property like relative strength by rank on a scale of 0-100.