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Profile: nissane
User Name: nissane
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Joined: Thursday, May 19, 2005
Last Visit: Friday, April 3, 2009 4:17:32 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: RSS feeds
Posted: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 7:42:51 AM
No...if you go to a page with a list of

at the top under the new topic button, it says RSS.  when you click it, it does not bring up anything.  I was assuming it would show an rss feed of the topic, so I can link to and and monitor when things are added, etc...

Topic: RSS feeds
Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:29:32 AM
How are the RSS feed links supposed to work?  I would like to be able to subscribe to the various topics feeds, but when I click on them, nothing comes up...

Thank You
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:11:23 AM
This is the code for Maximum of Day...this replaces the Maximum block on the percent of stocks making new highs.

Public Class Maximum_Of_Day

inherits BaseTemplateDLBToDLS
Public Overrides Sub calculate()
Dim dayHigh As Integer
Dim currentDate As Date

For x As Integer=1 To inputcount-1
if (x=1) then
End If

If (inputDate(x).Month=currentDate.Month And inputDate(x).Year=currentDate.Year And inputdate(x).Day=currentDate.Day)

dayHigh=System.Math.Max(dayHigh, inputlast(x))
End If

addtooutput(inputdate(x), dayHigh)
End Sub
End Class

below is the Minimum of Day function that replaces the minimum blcok on the percent of stocks making new lows

Public Class Minimum_of_Day
inherits BaseTemplateDLBToDLS
Public Overrides Sub calculate()
Dim dayLow As Integer
Dim currentDate As Date

For x As Integer=1 To inputcount-1
If (x=1) Then
End If

If (inputDate(x).Month=currentDate.Month And inputDate(x).Year=currentDate.Year And inputdate(x).Day=currentDate.Day)
' If (inputdate(x)<=Date.Now)
dayLow=System.Math.Min(dayLow, inputlast(x))
End If
' End If
addtooutput(inputdate(x), dayLow)
End Sub
End Class
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:26:01 PM
ok...I think I got it I described in my last post...really thanks for all your time and help...

I can post the code if you like...

Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:31:27 PM
I think I have to recreated the maximum block with my own code block, so that as it calculates the maximum value over a period of prices, it dynamically knows what period to use...

how does that sound?
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:22:45 PM
my chart updates every I don't think it will work realtime...only the most recent bar will be correct. but it will make back data wrongevery time it recalculates.

I thought I could get the current date of the current bar that is being calculated...

but I see now that that is not really possible because everything is calculated in their own individual loops...


I guess after all this, I am back to square one...
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:43:43 PM
oh I see the prlbme is using the current time...but it needs to use the time of the bar do I get the time of the current bar instead of Date.Now?
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:42:41 PM
I just want to veryify that it is properly returning number of minutes from the open...can't I get this to plot seperately..just plot the current value...
Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:54:54 PM
ok I think I got it...shouldn't the below diagram calc the number of minutes since the open?
just one question about the TimeSpan parser block. It has several outputs...minute, hour, etc...I just want the minute...but how do I know which is the minute? nothing is labeled...also, is it possible to test it and see the results of just this diagram so I know that it is returning the correct values?


Topic: count% new highs/new lows
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:45:24 PM
I'll check it out...I was there was an easier way to subtract 2 dates and get the number of minutes...

Thanks for all your time...