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Registered User Joined: 3/3/2012 Posts: 3
Is there a way to scan for stocks with values that fall between a certain percentage range of that same value from a list of stocks. I seem to remember seeing a ranking slider where you could set an upper and lower range from a particular list of stocks. Price change over time or the change in a particular indicator over time which falls between say 75% and max of that same change in the SPY or US stocks would be an examples of what I refer to.
Thank you .
 Registered User Joined: 7/30/2007 Posts: 1,072
Check out the following tutorial video: Building a Scan with Multiple Conditions (7:29).
It's just over 7 minutes so it won't hurt to view the whole thing, but what you're looking for starts around the 1:30 mark.
Registered User Joined: 3/3/2012 Posts: 3
Thank you. That does the trick
 Registered User Joined: 7/30/2007 Posts: 1,072
You're welcome! Happy to help.
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