Registered User Joined: 10/12/2004 Posts: 2
I'm new to realcode and I'm trying to setup a scan for a hammer with the tail twice as long as the body while at the same time stochastics is crossing up through 20. Can anyone help?
I was looking at the hammer code preprogrammed into stockfinder and I think I understand how to program that, but I'm having problems mostly with the stochastics. I tried using the add a rule based on indicator, but it's not coming back with what I'm looking for.
Registered User Joined: 9/13/2008 Posts: 99
QUOTE (jaydub) ...scan for a hammer with the tail twice as long as the body while at the same time stochastics is crossing up through 20...
Depends by what you mean by "at the same time". If you need the two separate conditions: (1) hammer candle and the (2) stoch xUp through value of 20 to happen on the same candle, or if they can occur within, for example, X bars of each other or some other arbitrary number of bars apart.
With the stochs you could try something like this:
If Stoc.value(1) < 20 AndAlso Stoc.value > 20 Then Pass End If