Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
Scott - each night one of my screens is for stocks over a particular price and particular average volume, finishing up today, with today's volume at least 1.5 x 45mav.
During the uptrend I would get maybe 150-250 stocks (then I'd look at MACD-H, etc.) - since August I've been getting roughly 45-75/day.
Today I got 46 returned on the scan ranging from 0.27% gain to 14.45%.
Of these, 10 had gains today of less than 1.0% - are they the type of guys you're looking for?
I'm putting in symbol, %gain today, vol x 45mav, and close as % of todays trading range:
VTV 0.86 11.45 54 FLO 0.85 1.65 30 OEF 0.82 1.57 57 JKHY 0.82 1.60 61 EZU 0.63 1.69 33 VUG 0.46 1.74 40 MGF 0.44 1.97 80 IMA 0.41 2.24 20 GCS 0.38 2.02 18 BDH 0.27 3.05 70
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
YUP... in general.
I actually got chumped on FLO today. I bought it on a breakout yesterday which turned out to be the high of the day.. Then todays down market opened it considerable lower so I dumped it. I believe it looks good in general but I may not have gotten a very good timing on the entry... and I wanna find out if were are gonna see some sort of up trend resume or if there is another leg down so I kept stops really tight.
I cant seem to climb past a certain equity line land marke..... I get close then take a string of losses and back away. for the last two months I've gotten basicaly nowhere.... possibly a slow climb up from some of those staggering losses I took earlier. So to that affect I still dump perfectly good holdings at signs of trouble and tend to play only momentum. The idea of holding long term seem just crazy to me. I know intelectually it's the big money... but it never works out that way for me it seems. so any time I have a ho0lding of 100% loosers for two days running I dump everything as asume I got a bad timing or got sloppy becasue in general that dosen't happen to me. Any time I suspect I might be looking a bigger loss in the face I'll dump up. However If i think I got an out of normal gain in a day i'll take that as well. case in POINT TGI I bought day before yesterday... sold it yesterday for a decent gain somewhere in the whick.... not real reason to take it except that there was a nice collection of green up candles. Today it was up over 3 more points. That would have been 5 opints in 3 days.
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
I hear you - I've gotten burned badly the same way the past 6 weeks. There is so much choppiness that I get scared and bolt - only to have things turn around a day or two later and make me feel like an idiot - it makes me think that the only safe trades right now are the very very short term quick ones - get in and get out before things turn around. Myabe this will make me a day trader - at least it's making me appreciate the beauties of a nicely trending market like we had.
I am still long term bearish for the intermediate term of the next 6 weeks - been reading too much Jeffrey Cooper I think LOL - but I should just go short (or stick with ETFs that are short-minded) and stick with it and not pay attention to the gyrations. Hard to do though.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
" make me feel like an idiot " If i'm normal then this is a common traders syndrom... I aim for those days when I feel a little less of an idiot. However i must becareful not to let myself feel to clever...
It is hard to do ... Particularily when you have such tools at your finger tips. I am firmly convinced that there is order to the market that is on the short term well cloaked in randomness.
I have the other perception on going short right now. I serriously wonder if the lows are not set. BUT it's to early to say and I could be wrong of course. So far we're looking kinda similar to the FEB pullback but i'm tying to use May as more of a measure. I'm sick of waiting and hopeing for a better market. but i'm finding more and more positive divergences and good loking charts. Bottom picking is tough becasue calling the apex is nearly impossible.
several tht looks like good potential to me are FLO TGI WFMI zoll
I'm finding more and more decision points at the ma period I use that are also in up trends. IE 20>35>50 ma and low reading on my version of the diceman indicator. I don't bother with givnig it a Ma and signal line because I want to get in as price makes it's move and it seems like that would have me in late so I use other indicators to point out entry points. TSV with BB is looking promising and of course my joint signal and candles. But after the joint signal in a steady trend I dosen't often reaccour ... but the sotck could still be tradeable or accumulateable... that is where i'm thinking TSV with BB will come in.
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Scott, things must be getting better because I am getting higher numbers in my Insitutional scan, Momentum scan and my RSI scan. I flagged only the stocks that appeared in all three scans and I am just now doing analysis on them.
There was 34 charts that were on all three scans, and most of them came from the Insitutional scan. To me that means that the smart money is slowly getting their feet wet.
If yourself and Hohandy are getting burned that bad maybe you should be all cash. I have an account with E-Trade that pays 5.5%
Let me know how your scans look.
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
I've been all cash for a few weeks now, APSLL - I'm finding that I'm out of my comfort zone and second guessing myself too much. First time since I started in 2001.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
"I flagged only the stocks that appeared in all three scans and I am just now doing analysis on them".
how did you do that? is there a function for that? I think there is .. show memberships ore something like that? I hate to admit that I probably put TC through 10th of the use it could be to me. I never thought of that. I spent years looking through all the scans .. and some times I'd be like "hey that ticker is familiar wasn't it in suchnsuch scan?"
I"m not so much getting burned as not getting anywhere. This week I struggled to add $450 to my account with out taking any losses and in two days I give back $400.00. Maybee you are right I am mostly cash and only playing a few stock at a time here or there. I personaly cant wait till i can justify tryinjg to hold longer... which I think could be now. But I can't feel it. I have a lot of embarasingly prematurely exited stocks building up.. telling me that I can probably consider longer holds. Pluss the look of the market breadth and depth indicators is looking up. The moving averages aren't yet pulled into a clear belly and pointing up yet ...but theindicators ahve cross up through the ma a 2nd time now and at a guess the ma's look like they are sitting at the 55 % mark this side of a bottom. I'll be more comfortable at around the 70% area.
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Scott, there might be a shorter way to do this other than the way I do it, but here it goes. -
Go to all stocks and un-flag all. Next pull up the Institutional scan and flag them all. Now look at the Momentum scan and you will see all the stocks that are flagged from the Institutional scan.
Create a new watchlist with flagged items only (from the Momentum scan) call this new watchlist Overlap bull. Go to the RSI scan and there you will see some more flagged stocks from the Institutional scan again copy these flaged stocks over to your Overlap bull wachlist.
Now unflag all stocks again and now flag all the items in the Momentum scan, and when you look at the Institutional scan you will see all the flagged stocks from the momentum scan, then copy these flagged items only to the Overlap Bull watchlist. Open up the RSI scan and copy all flagged stocks over to the Overlap bull.
One more time - unflag all stocks and then flag all in the RSI scan. Now open the Momentum and then the Institutional scans and copy flagged stocks over to the Overlap Bull watchlist.
You should have about 50 stocks right now that show up in all three scans.
I hope that I did not bore you to sleep...
Let me know if this works for you, and if someone can find an easier way to do this please for the love of GOD tell me..
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
Apsll - Maybe I'm missing something (wouldn't) me the first time - but it seems to me that you do have too many steps here.
Maybe I misunderstand what you are trying to do.
You are trying to find only the stocks that show up on all 3 of 3 different scans.
Unflag all stocks
Scan 1: Watchlist: All Stocks (or Russell 1000 or whichever your original universe is).
Flag all stocks in scan results.
Scan 2: Watchlist: All flagged Items. This will only return all stocks that met the criteria of the first scan, and also now meet the criteria of the second scan.
Unflag all stocks and then flag the stocks in Scan 2 results.
Scan 3: Watchlist: All flagged stocks. This will only return all stocks that met the criteria of both the first and second scan, and now meet the criteria of the third scan.
I feel like this is a trick question - what am I missing?
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
Question .. If you move all flagges stocks to flagged stocks list provided in telechart then unflagging and going to another scan and flagging you have lost the first list.. UNLESS it is a personal watchlist that just happens to be named "flagged items" Or what ever. I personaly keep 2 empty watchlists called "Pallet 1-2) to josstle things back and forth with if I need to ..becasue in sorting operations some times donig things out of order can screw the pooch....... You know I think I'm tired and just reworded what you said.
I'm getting the idea of the flow of work and this may be the right way to do it. if you go to Watch list >Active symbol > memberships it brings up a list of personal watchlists the stock is a member of so thats not to helpful for you.
interesting idea....... If I ever start using the momentum scan again i'll try that.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
Hey try this. I just got 44 but my scans may be set slightly differently to yours and i don't knwo when you updated your info.
unflag all items. open institutional scan and flag all. Open RSI scan and flag all open Momentuscan and move flagged items only to your pallet (Overlap bull)
begin looking for stocks to trade.
See if that shaves some time off the proces for you and produces similar results.
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
Scott - any item that's flagged, automatically gets picked up in the System Watchlist "All Flagged Items" - you don't have to move anything - anything that's flagged gets automatically included the next time you open (or work with) that system watchlist. If you then open that "All Flagged Items" systems watchlist, and then unflag anything, the unflagged item will stay on the open watchlist until you reopen the "All Flagged Watchlist" again. Try it.
So if you use the "All Flagged Items" watchlist as the basis of a scan, you can do anything with those particular scan results - no pooches get screwed. Imagine the results of the first scan are 100 stocks that get flagged. They become the "All Flagged Items" watchlist as soon as you flag them. When you run the scan on that 100 and get 60 stocks on the second scan, what you are looking at is a results watchlist, not the "All Flagged Items" watchlist. If you unflag all (to unflag the 40 that didn't make the cut) the remaining 60 don't disappear, because they are now on a results watchlist. When you reflag them, those 60 also constitute the new "All Flagged Items" watchlist which can then be re-run with the third scan.
Registered User Joined: 4/25/2007 Posts: 91
Apsll: Could you please share your "Insitutional scan" strategy, what you are looking for, and how you do it in TC? Thanks, Jay
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Scott & Hohandy. I unflag all stocks because I do not want any stray flagged stocks from other scans to make its way into my final watchlist.
I am only looking for the over-lap of the three scans, I do not want any other stocks from those three scans. I just want the stocks that meet the criteria for all three scans. Example -------
Institutional scan - 145 stocks Momentum scan - 106 stocks RSI scan - 54 stocks
After my tedious process of elimination I ended up with 47 stocks that were common to all three scans.
Hohandy your method does not cover everything.
You flag all stocks in scan 1. All the flagged items in scan 2 represent the scan 1 stocks that you flagged. lets say there are 31 stocks that are flagged. Now you unflag all stocks again and then you flag only the 31 stocks that met the criteria for scan 1 and scan 2. the flaged stocks that show up in scan 3 should be your final list (only 10 stocks)
You see I came up with 47 stocks and you only came up with 10 stocks.
What you are missing is that you have to flag all the stocks in scan 3 and see how many show up in scan 2 and scan 1. then you have to flag all of scan 2 and see how many of those show up in scan 1 and scan 3. Do you see my point now? You should end up with 47 stocks. Not the 10 that your method produces..
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
"I just want the stocks that meet the criteria for all three scans. "
This is what I was thinking that you may have "other flagged items floating around". I often use the "all flagged items" provided by TC and in the process when I unflag some in that watchlist and then reopen that watchlist the unflagged ones are gone..... It is after all "All Flagged items".
I was thinking aobut the proces and figured that a list wont hold five copies of the same ticker so then If you end up looking at the momentum scan then wouldn't it show you the ones from the other two if you simply flagged the contents of the RSI and Institutional? Or have i over simplified the process?
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Jay, here is the conditions for my Institutional Strength scan -
All stocks Exchange - NYSE-AMEX-NASDAQ 18 Day TSV - True Up 2 Days - True Price 10 Day Net Change (Rank 52 to 99) RSI Today - (Rank 72 to 99) Volume - Above 100,000 - True BOP Net Change - (Rank 71 to 99.
Thats all the criteria you need. This shows stocks that are getting attention from Institutional type buying.. At the end or near the end of a market correction you will see the number of stocks from this scan start to increas. That is a good sign that the institutions are starting to re-enter the Market.
I hope this helps you Jayrama.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
I think 18 day TSV is a Martha PCF. TSV18 > TSV18.14
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Scott I used the dicsk with all her scan criteria and re-loaded them back into my system. Durring thr last course I enrolled in she explained how to interpret all the scans
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
Doesn't make sense to me Apsll. The way you've described your method, is the sum of 6 groups where stocks matched 2 groups each. You had stocks in group A - and matched them with stocks in groups B and then C. Then you added to that stocks from group B that matched A and C. And then you had stocks in group C and matched them with stocks from groups A and B. Each stock in your list is common to at least 2 of three groups, but you never test to see if they match all three which is why you get 47 rather than 10.
If you start with a common "All Stocks" universe for each, and copy the intersection of A and B, and then A and C, to your results list, you are adding stocks that are common to A and B but that don't necessarily show on C. When you add stocks to the list that are common to A and C, you are adding stocks that don't necessarily show on B, etc.
Take the 47 stocks in your results, unflag all, and then flag them. Then run A again. Do all 47 flagged show up in A? I doubt it, because some of the flagged only represent stocks that show in B and C. Run B again - do all 47 show in B's results? Probably not because some of the 47 are the intersection of A and C. etc.
But if you just flag the 10, they will all show up in the results of each scan.
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
I owe you one Hohandy.
I do not know what I was thinking
The results from Friday are 9 Stocks that show up on all three scans.
The stocks in Bold I like, the other three are not my type.
Thanks for making me come to my senses Hohandy.
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
A suggestion for finding the stocks common to all three Scans.
Put the tickers from each Scan in the same column (Column A) of a spreadsheet. Beginning at Cell A1 put the tickers from Scan 1 in Column A. At the end of the tickers from Scan 1, put the tickers from Scan 2. At the end of the tickers from Scan 2, put the tickers from Scan 3. Then sort on that column. In Cell B1 test to see in A1 = A3, if it is then put A1 in Cell C1, if it is not then put a blank in Cell C1. Fill down to the end.
This will give you a column of stickers interspersed with blanks.
Sort on this column to remove the blanks and there is your list of tickers common to all three Scans.
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
You're welcome Apsll - plus it's a lot easier
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
I can get all of the conditions for your Institutional Strength scan except, how do I include the exchanges and how do I get 18 Day TSV - True?
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
BC, Click on "Add New Condition" then type the letters - "EX" and you will see the whole word for Exchange. Then just click on the word and a dialog box will open up. Put a check mark for each exchange that you want and click "OK"
As far as the 18 Day TSV It is showing up in my list of conditions so it should be in yours.
Let me know if you need any more help. In the meantime see if you can find any good Triangle patterns. Those were the good old days.
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
If you do not have 18 day TSV as a PCF then you can add it to your list.
Here is the formula - TSV18 > TSV18.14
Good luck..
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
Thanks, apsll
Those were good days. I was up about about twenty percent in Jan and Feb, then my trades started going sour, mainly because of bad entry points. I’m working on my methods of choosing entry and exit points.
As far as triangles are concerned, there doesn’t seem to be nearly as many these days, or I have lost my eye for spotting them. I never could devise a PCF for finding them.
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
I got the Institutional Strength scan set up OK. It had only one hit, DYN.
Is this correct, or did I miss something?
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
I did the institution scan and got 117 hits. This is actually a nice watchlist to do a MACD-H sort on - a whole bunch of rebounding stocks with good MACD-Hs.
Registered User Joined: 5/2/2007 Posts: 59
I will call the 3 scans I,M and R for Instititional,Momentum and RSI scans if you want stocks in all 3,Unflag all in system then go to say "I scan"; Flag all in current watchlist(or top symbol ,flag all below this i tem or.....anyway you can flag them there are many ways),then pull up the "M Scan" then click New watchlist click on "start with flagged symbols in current watchlist", name it,say A or B or... Now you can "unflag all in system" so far you got stocks that meet the I and M criteria. Now pull up the new watchlist you just created,right click it,click "sublist",you get pop up then click "apply..." then in the drop down menu,click on your R aka "RSI scan" then ok, whatever you get, flag them and give it a name Apsll suggested Overlap Bulls i could do it in less than a minute but yeah thats the explanation, kinda wordy but i hope you get it.
Im not by my telechart so i can't tell exactly whats is there thus the "apply...." and the like but thats how i would do it.
What do the RSI and Momentum Scans look like,im thinking they dont come with the software, so far i've seen the institutional scan but im yet to create it. Thanks.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
The RSI and Momentum scans come with the Technitrader training courses.
i used to use them allot but they IMO are verry open in what they let in ... And I decided I'd rather miss oportunities and have more quality in front of me than scrutinize hundreds of charts every day ... invariably I begin to make cases for weak picks or am just inandated with possible trades. following the numbers is fairly useful.
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
Apsll and hohandy
Here is the setup I used for the Institutional Strength scan with the number of stocks included after each PCF.
All stocks - 7071 Exchange - NYSE-AMEX-NASDAQ - 7070 18 Day TSV - True - 536 Up 2 Days - True - 174 Price 10 Day Net Change (Rank 52 to 99) -116 RSI Today - (Rank 72 to 99) - 28 Volume - Above 100,000 - True - 26 BOP Net Change - (Rank 71 to 99) - 7
I had to write two PCFs because I couldn’t find them. They are 18 Day TSV - True (TSV18 > TSV18.14) Price 10 Day Net Change (Rank 52 to 99) (V> 10000)
As you can see my results (Nmber of hits 7) differ from yours, hohandy,
Do you have any suggestions as to possible causes?
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
BCraig - when I compared yours to mine -
The first two matched, but then I returned 4181 hits for 18 Day TSV - so there's a substantial difference right there. (I also had to write that PCF, and I just checked mine which reads TSV18>TSV18.14). So that's where I would start checking right off the bat.
Also, you wrote in your post (V>10000) which I'm assuming is a typo because we're aiming for 100,000 and not 1,000,0000
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
The 10000 was a typo. I corrected it to 1000.
The remainder of the problem was due to the fact that I had only updated the PCFs for about 900 stocks instead of all 7070.
Registered User Joined: 4/25/2007 Posts: 91
Apsll, Hohandy and BC. Thanks a lot -- Jay
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
Now that we have it, what does it mean, and how do we use it?
Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
This shows stocks that are getting attention from Institutional type buying. You look for an increasing number of stocks in this list.
Good numbers will be over 200.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
also .. aparently the numbers will surge a week or more before a rally... it should be watched during declining markets and dull markets... surges over 200 particularily on low movement days, are particularily telling. It should be sorted by industry at those times and a "clue to the industries that are getting institutional interest" will manifest it's self in the greater numbers.
I use it some times... but tended to focus on shorter term oportunities.
Registered User Joined: 4/18/2005 Posts: 4,090
RBC was a prime example for what I was talking about. i got in at =.25 yesterdays high.
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