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Can a bullish scan be adapted for shorts? Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 3:32:42 PM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Now that i have a bull oriented scan,can it be modified for shorts? Or can you recommend a simple scan to uncover shorts?
Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 3:35:18 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Can you give me your "bull scan"? We can work from there.

- Craig
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Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 4:37:05 PM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Yes Craig, the bull scan I have just begun using is off peter Wordens cd about scans vol 2. That is Bullish macd in three different time frames.
Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 4:55:20 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Edit the EasyScan you created and give me the condition names and how you limited them (with the range selector). I can give you the opposite from there.

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 5:39:14 PM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Here are the Three Scans
Daily Bullish Macd
All Stocks
Price2 year range
MS above22 expMA-True

3 Day Bullish Macd
All Stocks
Volume(dollars)90 Days
MS above 22exp MA True
Price 3 Year range
3 day Macd last 5 bars true

Weekly Bullish Macd
All stocks
Volume(dollars)90 days
3 year range
Drop MS
Weekly Macd Bullish last 5 bars true
Posted : Monday, May 8, 2006 5:56:14 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Start by creating the following PCFs

MS below22 expMA

MS1 < XAVG(MS1,22)

Daily MACD Bullish (Last 5 bars)

XAVGC4 - XAVGC13 > XAVG(XAVGC4,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13,8) AND (XAVGC4.1 - XAVGC13.1 < XAVG(XAVGC4.1,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.1,8) OR XAVGC4.2 - XAVGC13.2 < XAVG(XAVGC4.2,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.2,8) OR XAVGC4.3 - XAVGC13.3 < XAVG(XAVGC4.3,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.3,8) OR XAVGC4.4 - XAVGC13.4 < XAVG(XAVGC4.4,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.4,8) OR XAVGC4.5 - XAVGC13.5 < XAVG(XAVGC4.5,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.5,8))

Daily MACD Bearish (Last 5 bars)

XAVGC4 - XAVGC13 < XAVG(XAVGC4,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13,8) AND (XAVGC4.1 - XAVGC13.1 > XAVG(XAVGC4.1,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.1,8) OR XAVGC4.2 - XAVGC13.2 > XAVG(XAVGC4.2,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.2,8) OR XAVGC4.3 - XAVGC13.3 > XAVG(XAVGC4.3,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.3,8) OR XAVGC4.4 - XAVGC13.4 > XAVG(XAVGC4.4,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.4,8) OR XAVGC4.5 - XAVGC13.5 > XAVG(XAVGC4.5,8) - XAVG(XAVGC13.5,8))

3-Day MACD Bearish (Last 5 bars)

.20018589 * C + .04714414 * C3 - .02438033 * C6 - .05208933 * C9 - .05738837 * C12 - .05218721 * C15 - .04291583 * C18 - .03288419 * C21 - .02365949 * C24 - .0158628 * C27 - .00962395 * C30 - .00483671 * C33 - .00129817 * C36 + .00121815 * C39 + .00292669 * C42 + .0040146 * C45 + .0046375 * C48 + .00492059 * C51 + .00496214 * C54 + .00483772 * C57 + .00460445 * C60 + .00430472 * C63 + .0039694 * C66 + .00362055 * C69 + .00327346 * C72 + .00293841 * C75 + .00262191 * C78 + .00232776 * C81 + .00205782 * C84 + .00181257 * C87 + .00159154 * C90 + .00139368 * C93 + .00121753 * C96 + .00106145 * C99 + .00092371 * C102 + .00080255 * C105 + .00069631 * C108 + .00060337 * C111 + .00052226 * C114 + .00045161 * C117 + .00039017 * C120 + .00033682 * C123 + .00029057 * C126 + .0002505 * C129 + .00021584 * C132 > 0 AND (.20018589 * C3 + .04714414 * C6 - .02438033 * C9 - .05208933 * C12 - .05738837 * C15 - .05218721 * C18 - .04291583 * C21 - .03288419 * C24 - .02365949 * C27 - .0158628 * C30 - .00962395 * C33 - .00483671 * C36 - .00129817 * C39 + .00121815 * C42 + .00292669 * C45 + .0040146 * C48 + .0046375 * C51 + .00492059 * C54 + .00496214 * C57 + .00483772 * C60 + .00460445 * C63 + .00430472 * C66 + .0039694 * C69 + .00362055 * C72 + .00327346 * C75 + .00293841 * C78 + .00262191 * C81 + .00232776 * C84 + .00205782 * C87 + .00181257 * C90 + .00159154 * C93 + .00139368 * C96 + .00121753 * C99 + .00106145 * C102 + .00092371 * C105 + .00080255 * C108 + .00069631 * C111 + .00060337 * C114 + .00052226 * C117 + .00045161 * C120 + .00039017 * C123 + .00033682 * C126 + .00029057 * C129 + .0002505 * C132 + .00021584 * C135 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C6 + .04714414 * C9 - .02438033 * C12 - .05208933 * C15 - .05738837 * C18 - .05218721 * C21 - .04291583 * C24 - .03288419 * C27 - .02365949 * C30 - .0158628 * C33 - .00962395 * C36 - .00483671 * C39 - .00129817 * C42 + .00121815 * C45 + .00292669 * C48 + .0040146 * C51 + .0046375 * C54 + .00492059 * C57 + .00496214 * C60 + .00483772 * C63 + .00460445 * C66 + .00430472 * C69 + .0039694 * C72 + .00362055 * C75 + .00327346 * C78 + .00293841 * C81 + .00262191 * C84 + .00232776 * C87 + .00205782 * C90 + .00181257 * C93 + .00159154 * C96 + .00139368 * C99 + .00121753 * C102 + .00106145 * C105 + .00092371 * C108 + .00080255 * C111 + .00069631 * C114 + .00060337 * C117 + .00052226 * C120 + .00045161 * C123 + .00039017 * C126 + .00033682 * C129 + .00029057 * C132 + .0002505 * C135 + .00021584 * C138 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C9 + .04714414 * C12 - .02438033 * C15 - .05208933 * C18 - .05738837 * C21 - .05218721 * C24 - .04291583 * C27 - .03288419 * C30 - .02365949 * C33 - .0158628 * C36 - .00962395 * C39 - .00483671 * C42 - .00129817 * C45 + .00121815 * C48 + .00292669 * C51 + .0040146 * C54 + .0046375 * C57 + .00492059 * C60 + .00496214 * C63 + .00483772 * C66 + .00460445 * C69 + .00430472 * C72 + .0039694 * C75 + .00362055 * C78 + .00327346 * C81 + .00293841 * C84 + .00262191 * C87 + .00232776 * C90 + .00205782 * C93 + .00181257 * C96 + .00159154 * C99 + .00139368 * C102 + .00121753 * C105 + .00106145 * C108 + .00092371 * C111 + .00080255 * C114 + .00069631 * C117 + .00060337 * C120 + .00052226 * C123 + .00045161 * C126 + .00039017 * C129 + .00033682 * C132 + .00029057 * C135 + .0002505 * C138 + .00021584 * C141 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C12 + .04714414 * C15 - .02438033 * C18 - .05208933 * C21 - .05738837 * C24 - .05218721 * C27 - .04291583 * C30 - .03288419 * C33 - .02365949 * C36 - .0158628 * C39 - .00962395 * C42 - .00483671 * C45 - .00129817 * C48 + .00121815 * C51 + .00292669 * C54 + .0040146 * C57 + .0046375 * C60 + .00492059 * C63 + .00496214 * C66 + .00483772 * C69 + .00460445 * C72 + .00430472 * C75 + .0039694 * C78 + .00362055 * C81 + .00327346 * C84 + .00293841 * C87 + .00262191 * C90 + .00232776 * C93 + .00205782 * C96 + .00181257 * C99 + .00159154 * C102 + .00139368 * C105 + .00121753 * C108 + .00106145 * C111 + .00092371 * C114 + .00080255 * C117 + .00069631 * C120 + .00060337 * C123 + .00052226 * C126 + .00045161 * C129 + .00039017 * C132 + .00033682 * C135 + .00029057 * C138 + .0002505 * C141 + .00021584 * C144 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C15 + .04714414 * C18 - .02438033 * C21 - .05208933 * C24 - .05738837 * C27 - .05218721 * C30 - .04291583 * C33 - .03288419 * C36 - .02365949 * C39 - .0158628 * C42 - .00962395 * C45 - .00483671 * C48 - .00129817 * C51 + .00121815 * C54 + .00292669 * C57 + .0040146 * C60 + .0046375 * C63 + .00492059 * C66 + .00496214 * C69 + .00483772 * C72 + .00460445 * C75 + .00430472 * C78 + .0039694 * C81 + .00362055 * C84 + .00327346 * C87 + .00293841 * C90 + .00262191 * C93 + .00232776 * C96 + .00205782 * C99 + .00181257 * C102 + .00159154 * C105 + .00139368 * C108 + .00121753 * C111 + .00106145 * C114 + .00092371 * C117 + .00080255 * C120 + .00069631 * C123 + .00060337 * C126 + .00052226 * C129 + .00045161 * C132 + .00039017 * C135 + .00033682 * C138 + .00029057 * C141 + .0002505 * C144 + .00021584 * C147 >= 0)

Weekly MACD Bearish(Last 5 Bars)

.20018589 * C + .04714414 * C5 - .02438033 * C10 - .05208933 * C15 - .05738837 * C20 - .05218721 * C25 - .04291583 * C30 - .03288419 * C35 - .02365949 * C40 - .0158628 * C45 - .00962395 * C50 - .00483671 * C55 - .00129817 * C60 + .00121815 * C65 + .00292669 * C70 + .0040146 * C75 + .0046375 * C80 + .00492059 * C85 + .00496214 * C90 + .00483772 * C95 + .00460445 * C100 + .00430472 * C105 + .0039694 * C110 + .00362055 * C115 + .00327346 * C120 + .00293841 * C125 + .00262191 * C130 + .00232776 * C135 + .00205782 * C140 + .00181257 * C145 + .00159154 * C150 + .00139368 * C155 + .00121753 * C160 + .00106145 * C165 + .00092371 * C170 + .00080255 * C175 + .00069631 * C180 + .00060337 * C185 + .00052226 * C190 + .00045161 * C195 + .00039017 * C200 + .00033682 * C205 + .00029057 * C210 + .0002505 * C215 + .00021584 * C220 < 0 AND (.20018589 * C5 + .04714414 * C10 - .02438033 * C15 - .05208933 * C20 - .05738837 * C25 - .05218721 * C30 - .04291583 * C35 - .03288419 * C40 - .02365949 * C45 - .0158628 * C50 - .00962395 * C55 - .00483671 * C60 - .00129817 * C65 + .00121815 * C70 + .00292669 * C75 + .0040146 * C80 + .0046375 * C85 + .00492059 * C90 + .00496214 * C95 + .00483772 * C100 + .00460445 * C105 + .00430472 * C110 + .0039694 * C115 + .00362055 * C120 + .00327346 * C125 + .00293841 * C130 + .00262191 * C135 + .00232776 * C140 + .00205782 * C145 + .00181257 * C150 + .00159154 * C155 + .00139368 * C160 + .00121753 * C165 + .00106145 * C170 + .00092371 * C175 + .00080255 * C180 + .00069631 * C185 + .00060337 * C190 + .00052226 * C195 + .00045161 * C200 + .00039017 * C205 + .00033682 * C210 + .00029057 * C215 + .0002505 * C220 + .00021584 * C225 > 0 OR .20018589 * C10 + .04714414 * C15 - .02438033 * C20 - .05208933 * C25 - .05738837 * C30 - .05218721 * C35 - .04291583 * C40 - .03288419 * C45 - .02365949 * C50 - .0158628 * C55 - .00962395 * C60 - .00483671 * C65 - .00129817 * C70 + .00121815 * C75 + .00292669 * C80 + .0040146 * C85 + .0046375 * C90 + .00492059 * C95 + .00496214 * C100 + .00483772 * C105 + .00460445 * C110 + .00430472 * C115 + .0039694 * C120 + .00362055 * C125 + .00327346 * C130 + .00293841 * C135 + .00262191 * C140 + .00232776 * C145 + .00205782 * C150 + .00181257 * C155 + .00159154 * C160 + .00139368 * C165 + .00121753 * C170 + .00106145 * C175 + .00092371 * C180 + .00080255 * C185 + .00069631 * C190 + .00060337 * C195 + .00052226 * C200 + .00045161 * C205 + .00039017 * C210 + .00033682 * C215 + .00029057 * C220 + .0002505 * C225 + .00021584 * C230 > 0 OR .20018589 * C15 + .04714414 * C20 - .02438033 * C25 - .05208933 * C30 - .05738837 * C35 - .05218721 * C40 - .04291583 * C45 - .03288419 * C50 - .02365949 * C55 - .0158628 * C60 - .00962395 * C65 - .00483671 * C70 - .00129817 * C75 + .00121815 * C80 + .00292669 * C85 + .0040146 * C90 + .0046375 * C95 + .00492059 * C100 + .00496214 * C105 + .00483772 * C110 + .00460445 * C115 + .00430472 * C120 + .0039694 * C125 + .00362055 * C130 + .00327346 * C135 + .00293841 * C140 + .00262191 * C145 + .00232776 * C150 + .00205782 * C155 + .00181257 * C160 + .00159154 * C165 + .00139368 * C170 + .00121753 * C175 + .00106145 * C180 + .00092371 * C185 + .00080255 * C190 + .00069631 * C195 + .00060337 * C200 + .00052226 * C205 + .00045161 * C210 + .00039017 * C215 + .00033682 * C220 + .00029057 * C225 + .0002505 * C230 + .00021584 * C235 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C20 + .04714414 * C25 - .02438033 * C30 - .05208933 * C35 - .05738837 * C40 - .05218721 * C45 - .04291583 * C50 - .03288419 * C55 - .02365949 * C60 - .0158628 * C65 - .00962395 * C70 - .00483671 * C75 - .00129817 * C80 + .00121815 * C85 + .00292669 * C90 + .0040146 * C95 + .0046375 * C100 + .00492059 * C105 + .00496214 * C110 + .00483772 * C115 + .00460445 * C120 + .00430472 * C125 + .0039694 * C130 + .00362055 * C135 + .00327346 * C140 + .00293841 * C145 + .00262191 * C150 + .00232776 * C155 + .00205782 * C160 + .00181257 * C165 + .00159154 * C170 + .00139368 * C175 + .00121753 * C180 + .00106145 * C185 + .00092371 * C190 + .00080255 * C195 + .00069631 * C200 + .00060337 * C205 + .00052226 * C210 + .00045161 * C215 + .00039017 * C220 + .00033682 * C225 + .00029057 * C230 + .0002505 * C235 + .00021584 * C240 >= 0 OR .20018589 * C25 + .04714414 * C30 - .02438033 * C35 - .05208933 * C40 - .05738837 * C45 - .05218721 * C50 - .04291583 * C55 - .03288419 * C60 - .02365949 * C65 - .0158628 * C70 - .00962395 * C75 - .00483671 * C80 - .00129817 * C85 + .00121815 * C90 + .00292669 * C95 + .0040146 * C100 + .0046375 * C105 + .00492059 * C110 + .00496214 * C115 + .00483772 * C120 + .00460445 * C125 + .00430472 * C130 + .0039694 * C135 + .00362055 * C140 + .00327346 * C145 + .00293841 * C150 + .00262191 * C155 + .00232776 * C160 + .00205782 * C165 + .00181257 * C170 + .00159154 * C175 + .00139368 * C180 + .00121753 * C185 + .00106145 * C190 + .00092371 * C195 + .00080255 * C200 + .00069631 * C205 + .00060337 * C210 + .00052226 * C215 + .00045161 * C220 + .00039017 * C225 + .00033682 * C230 + .00029057 * C235 + .0002505 * C240 + .00021584 * C245 >= 0)

You have a condition called DROP MS. Can you edit that PCF and share the formula here for me? Once I have that and you create the above PCFs we can get this right.

By the way, you need to add the "Daily MACD Bullish (Last 5 bars)" PCF I give above to your "Daily Bullish MACD" EasyScan if you want to duplicate Mr. Worden's scan.

Here is all I need now:

- The formula you are using in the DROP MS criterion
- How you are limiting each of the conditions in your current EasyScans. When you edit each EasyScan, click on the conditions and give me the condition type (value, market rank or list rank) and the range you are using for each.

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:53:56 AM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Sorry that I misled you Craig,but my daily bullish macd does contain (last 5 bars),but I failed to include that to you.Drop MS means don't add moneystream to this pcf according to worden's directions.Sorry that I didn't explain that properly.
Can I transfer these bearish formulas to Telechart or do I need to copy by hand?
Now here are my conditions and ranges
Bullish daily macd List rank
Vol(dollars)90 day,rank 40-99
Price 2 year range 1-40

Bullish 3day macd List rank
Vol(dollars)90 day 40-99
Price 3year range 1-40

Bullish weekly macd
Vol (dollars)90 day 40-99
Price 3 year range 1-40
Posted : Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:21:59 PM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Thanks Craig I figured out how to transfer the pcf formulae.I await your further instructions.Denis
Posted : Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:55:14 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Try this:

Bearish Daily Macd
Vol(dollars)90 day,rank 40-99
Price 2 year range 60-99

Bearish 3day macd List rank
Vol(dollars)90 day 40-99
Price 3year range 60-99

Bearish weekly macd
Vol (dollars)90 day 40-99
Price 3 year range 60-99

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:01:21 AM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Hi Craig,
I had an error signal show up today when updating.It stated that I had syntax errors in the 3d and weekly bearish pcfs.I do not know the meaning of this. However I also noticed that those two pcfs are listed as not calculated.How can I remedy this? thanks Denis
Posted : Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:08:28 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
I just tested both of them again. They tested fine.

Delete your versions and recopy them. Be sure you highlight the entire PCF (not the titles, of course). Right click the highlight and choose copy. In the formula window of the PCF screen right click and choose PASTE.

Test it to be sure you get a RESULT.

- Craig
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Posted : Friday, May 19, 2006 8:08:35 AM
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Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 28
Hello Craig,
I've been absent for afew days.If I'm making up new easy scans for bearish searches,do I need to change the condition types and ranges opposite to the worden ones on the bull cd that I bought?
Posted : Friday, May 19, 2006 8:29:18 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
The PCF changes are above.

My Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:55:14 PM post above gives the range selector choices you should make when building your EasyScan for the bearish version.

- Craig
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