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Profile: ra1814
User Name: ra1814
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Last Visit: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 1:10:32 AM
Number of Posts: 7
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Programming VBA in Excel 2013
Posted: Monday, June 1, 2015 2:52:33 PM


I've been using the VBA library successfully for years and it's been working fine.  I'm using the cTC2005 library.  My problem is that when I moved my Excel workbook to a new computer with Office 2013 on it, I get error after error.  Works completely fine in 2011.  Using mostly the core code that comes in the example originally provided, first it throws an Active X error on this line "Set SFSERV = New cTC2005" and throws error TC2005 Start Server Connection Error: 429 ActiveX component can't create object".  This is declared at the top "Public SFSERV As TC2000Dev.cTC2005"

Any high level compatibility issues we need to be aware of with Excel 2013?


Topic: Plotting Item Count as in custom indicator
Posted: Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:23:47 PM

Is there any way to plot, the item count (number of stocks matching the criteria) resulting from a PCF or EasyScan on a chart?  For example, 10 stocks were returned from a particular EasyScan or PCF today, 12 were returned yesterday, 20 the day prior.  It would then plot these daily points in the bottom area of the chart.   If it can't be done in Telechart, can it be done to any degree in Blocks?   I've been able to accomplish using the Developers Kit but I would like to have it inside the application.
Thanks for the assist!