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Profile: osaga
User Name: osaga
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Last Visit: Thursday, January 9, 2020 1:44:37 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: TC2000 Brokerage Experience / Reviews?
Posted: Monday, November 26, 2018 10:03:27 AM

Hey guys

Does anyone have experience using TC2000 with the TC2000 brokerage? I've been trading on TC2000 with a paper account to see how well it works. I've noticed big order delays during the open and at random times. Maybe this has something to do with my setup/internet, but I don't think so.

I would greately appreciate some feedback on this from anyone using the TC2000 brokerage.


Topic: Activate Symbol from Chart for Trading
Posted: Friday, August 24, 2018 2:05:05 PM

Thanks as always Bruce for the quick help.

Topic: Activate Symbol from Chart for Trading
Posted: Friday, August 24, 2018 11:33:31 AM

Hey Bruce

Here is an example image so I can explain more.


I have preset order buttons on the right. If I click on any of the symbols in the middle watchlist those buttons will then work on that selected symbol. So if I click on the symbol CRON the red/blue button names will change from "Buy/Sell ADSK" to "Buy/Sell CRON". 

Right now those order buttons will only change when I select a different stock in the watchlist. What I want to know is it possible to click something on the chart itself that will activate/change the buttons to the symbol that is on that chart? 

I hope this makes it clearer.


Topic: Activate Symbol from Chart for Trading
Posted: Friday, August 24, 2018 8:55:11 AM

Or is there a handle on the chart itself I can use to drag into the order ticket window to activate that symbol? I'd also like to be able to do this for watchlists where I can grab a piece of the chart window and drag it into a watchlist as opposed to using the "Add to Personal Watchlist" dropdown.

Thanks again!

Topic: Activate Symbol from Chart for Trading
Posted: Friday, August 24, 2018 8:53:09 AM

Hey guys

Is there a way to activate a symbol from the chart itself? When I say activate I mean for the Order Ticket Window. 

Right now to activate a symbol for the order ticket window I have to select it from a watchlist. It would be much more convinient if I could click a button on the chart itself that would activate that symbol in the order ticket window.

Any way to do this?


Topic: Plotting Previous Day's High and Low
Posted: Friday, August 3, 2018 2:55:06 PM

I really want to push this as a feature update. Would be excellent to have TC2000 plot yeterdays high, low and close automatically. 


Topic: VWAP on TC2000 different than DAS and TOS
Posted: Friday, June 22, 2018 12:01:54 PM

Maybe I have a setting wrong, but VWAP on TC2000 is plotting somewhat higher than TOS or DAS for me. I have TOS and DAS calculating pre/post market. I am pretty sure TC2000 is as well (there is no setting to edit this). Also, when I do turn off pre/post market calculations on DAS and TOS the plot is still different than what is showing on TC2000.

Here's an image to show this point.



Any help as to why there is a difference will be greatly appreciated. Being off this much is a big issue for my trading.


Topic: Bug - listen for any symbol changes
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:07:16 AM

Hey guys

Not sure if this is addressed previously, but I couldn't find it.

When I select "listen for any symbol changes" on a chart it changes whenever another chart changes which is great. The problem is this...

(Let's assume Chart B is the chart with the "listen for any changes..")

When I update a symbol in Chart A, Chart B updates with the same symbol. This is great. The problem is when I now update the symbol in Chart B it updates the symbol in Chart A. So basically Chart B is temporarily linked to Chart A and now Chart A is updating, which it should not do.

Is this a known issue or am I the only one experiencing this?


Topic: Populate charts from watchlist
Posted: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:01:54 AM

Thanks for the quick response Bruce.

Topic: Populate charts from watchlist
Posted: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Hey guys

If I have a window with 8 separate charts on it (not linked). Is it possible to populate these charts from a watchlist? So if I had a watchlist of 8 symbols I could select a command that would automatically insert one of the symbols into each one of the 8 charts. 

This way I don't have to type in each symbol into each chart by hand.
