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Profile: RetDynamic
User Name: RetDynamic
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Last Visit: Saturday, October 10, 2015 3:43:31 AM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Bar PCF's please
Posted: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:49:31 AM

OK ... gotta work each one through myself rather than cut and paste like I did


Topic: Bar PCF's please
Posted: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:55:11 PM

Thanks Bruce,

What I intended to do and it doesn't seem to work was join the bits that you have done for me.

For instance

For a "bullish" kind of bar that opens in the top 1/3 goes down or wherever BUT closes in the top 20% I grabbed the first half of the code from

3. 3 * C <= 2 * L + H 

added an AND then added code from

2. 5 * C >= 4 * H + L AND H > L

To give the following:

3 * C <= 2 * L + H AND 3 * C >= 2 * H + L AND H > L

Which didn&#39;t give me anything

What am I doing wrong?


Topic: Bar PCF's please
Posted: Monday, October 13, 2014 7:05:55 AM


Could I have a PCF for each of the following bars please:

1. Bar that opens in the bottom 1/3 and closes in the top 1/3

2. Bar that opens in the bottom 33% and closes in the top 20%

3. Bar that opens in the top 1/3 and closes in the bottom 1/3

4. Bar that opens in the top 33% and closes in the bottom 20%

I have other ones but should be able to build my own PCF&#39;s from what you can provide me with

Thanks in advance


Topic: CCI weekly and sorting
Posted: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:20:40 AM

Darn ... forgot to post the formula

Cci 5

(H + L + C - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) * 1000 / 3 / (ABS(H + L + C - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) + ABS(H1 + L1 + C1 - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) + ABS(H2 + L2 + C2 - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) + ABS(H3 + L3 + C3 - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) + ABS(H4 + L4 + C4 - AVGH5 - AVGL5 - AVGC5) + .001)

Cci 25

(H + L + C - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) * 2800 / 3 / (ABS(H + L + C - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H1 + L1 + C1 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H2 + L2 + C2 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H3 + L3 + C3 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H4 + L4 + C4 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H5 + L5 + C5 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H6 + L6 + C6 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H7 + L7 + C7 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H8 + L8 + C8 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H9 + L9 + C9 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H10 + L10 + C10 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H11 + L11 + C11 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H12 + L12 + C12 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + ABS(H13 + L13 + C13 - AVGH25 - AVGL25 - AVGC25) + .000001)

Cci 50

(H + L + C - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) * 2800 / 3 / (ABS(H + L + C - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H1 + L1 + C1 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H2 + L2 + C2 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H3 + L3 + C3 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H4 + L4 + C4 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H5 + L5 + C5 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H6 + L6 + C6 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H7 + L7 + C7 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H8 + L8 + C8 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H9 + L9 + C9 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H10 + L10 + C10 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H11 + L11 + C11 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H12 + L12 + C12 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + ABS(H13 + L13 + C13 - AVGH50 - AVGL50 - AVGC50) + .000001)

Topic: CCI weekly and sorting
Posted: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:18:58 AM

Hello Bruce,

I have found the following cci formulas and would like to modify them for weekly timeframe.

What do I change?


ALSO  ... If I have each one set as a wtchlist column how do I set the sort order for each? Such as col 1 (cci50) highest to lowest THEN col 2 (cci25) hghest to lowest THEN col 3 (cci5)  lowest to HIGHESTvalue.

Note the last column is opposite sort

I have searched but can only see how to sort via one column not

highest value, highest value, lowest value


Topic: Layout_Workspaces from the Webinar10/8/13 Workflow Tips From the Pros
Posted: Friday, September 19, 2014 6:42:23 AM

Can you please send me the layouts as well?