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Profile: Afam
User Name: Afam
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Last Visit: Sunday, July 5, 2020 8:24:39 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Counting moving average cross overs
Posted: Sunday, June 17, 2018 10:13:35 AM


Does anyone know if you can do analysis of the number and duration of moving average crossovers using TC2000?

Types of thing I want to do include

  1. Design a test to indicate when the X moving average cuts ABOVE the Y moving average (e.g. The 10 Day Moving average cuts from under to over the 50 Day moving average)
  2. Count the number of times it crosses above
  3. Calculate the shortest period during which the X moving average stays above the Y moving average
  4. Calculate the average period that the X moving average remains above the Y moving average
  5. Calculate the mode
  6. Display the range
  7. Etc.





Topic: Future upgrades to tc2000
Posted: Thursday, May 31, 2018 7:43:59 AM


I'm trying to create a screen for earnings acceleration, using the pcf function.

I understand that at the moment pcfs cannot be created for fundamental information.

I noticed on the forums that other people have also been trying to set up screens based on earnings, earnings growth, revenues and revenue growth

Is anyone aware as to whether this is a feature that will be included within the next two upgrades to tc2000.




PS: A simple acceleration screen might be for earnings growth in the current quarter (Q0/Q4) + earnings growth in the prior quarter (Q1/Q5) be greater than earnings growth in the sum of the two previous quarters (Q2/Q6+Q3/Q7). 

Topic: 3 year sales growth
Posted: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:04:53 PM

Thanks very much for the reply. I will try it the way you suggested. Cheers. Afam

Topic: 3 year sales growth
Posted: Sunday, May 20, 2018 8:36:21 AM


Could you please help me. I'm pretty new to creating PCFs and I'm trying to write a condition to scan for 3 year sales growth.

There is already a built in condition for 5 year sales growth, but this is too long a period for my requirement. How can I build a condition for 2 year and 3 year. Also would like to do the same for EPS.

Thanks for your help.



Topic: Historic PCF
Posted: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 7:56:03 AM

Hi Bruce

Thanks for your help. Iappreciate it


Topic: Historic PCF
Posted: Saturday, February 4, 2017 7:25:47 PM


Could someone please help me.

I am trying to write a pcf that looks at the incidene of an event over the past x number of day.

As an example. I have a condition for looking for stocks that had volume 3 times average (V>3*AVGV20.1).

I want to write a pcf where the condition is any incidence of 3 times average volume over the past 5 days.

Thanks for your help



Topic: HELP: Writing PCF for relative strength vs S&P
Posted: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 9:57:29 AM

Thanks for your reply.

Do you have any suggestion for a work around? It seems to have been implemented for 1 year rs vs. S&P.


PS: Is it possible to create a PCF for revenue growth.

And is there somewhere I can get a list of applicable symbols to use to write PCFs (e.g. symbol for EPS growth)


Thanks again

Topic: HELP: Writing PCF for relative strength vs S&P
Posted: Saturday, July 2, 2016 4:54:01 AM


Could you please help me.

TC2000 has an inbuilt condition 'Relative Strength 1-Yr vs S&P 500.

Could someone please advise me on how to write a PCF to create Relative Strength for 6 months (or indeed for any other period) vs S&P 500.

