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Profile: akspeculations
User Name: akspeculations
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Last Visit: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:04:15 PM
Number of Posts: 56
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: TC2000 12 under Linux!
Posted: Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:11:19 PM

In the past, many Linux users had to run virtualization software in order to use the online silverlight based charting software.  Now, with the work from Erich Hoover a patch for wine has been created in order to have the propietary silverlight installed.  It's silly because it was intended for use with netflix - but with all of this said TC2000 v12 works, and quite decently I might add.

Those who are running Ubuntu, it's relatively quite simple to get yourself started.

Now, results may vary...

Open your terminal and type:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop

After that, you may run the command:


Essentially what it does is install a firefox through wine.  After this, you can run the netflix-desktop app, which how you'll view netflix videos if you're using it for what it was intended, or view TC2000 charts...

You'll notice that the browser opens in full screen mode by default, but by pressing f11 you make it into a standard window if need be.  You'll also need a way to type in the tc2000 url.  This can be done by pressing "ctrl+t" to open a new tab, and then by right cliking to the right of the new tab and checking off navigation toolbar.

I thought this was pretty neat since I do a lot of work under Linux.

Feel free to post any questions.

Topic: Liquid Optionable Stocks/ETFs with Tight Option Bid/Ask Spreads
Posted: Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:25:48 PM

Im going to revive this old thread because the discussions were great and some very great trades were posted.  I hope the same will continue from this point on.  My option strategies have changed dramatically but with this said I still use a short term time frame.  I mostly sell OTM credit spreads with high probability chances of expiring worthless, and attempt to make 1%...5% per week.  It's a rather conservative strategy and has been very effective for me.  I would love to hear from others who also trade options.

Topic: Bull Market Leader?
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 4:18:11 AM
I don't see it if you intend to day trade options. I'd keep my eye open for bottoms / potential rebounds - or simply accept these conditions and trade puts.
Topic: Gold and or Silver... is this the chance of a lifetime?
Posted: Monday, September 26, 2011 1:14:33 AM
In any event, the choice is yours. We have people here telling you to not do it. I personally am up for trading GLD and SLV in the next week or two, but it's not for the long term. The trade could last anywhere from a few days to a few months, but nothing longer than that. I do agree though, that such buying opportunities for a valuable commodity such as gold or silver don't come by every day.
Topic: Polls within webinars
Posted: Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:37:12 AM
Real code for TC2000 is what we really need, and I agree. I would also love for an offline version of the program that can save data to be viewed offline. I feel these features would make it unbeatable - (real code or similar variant (with more complexity than pcf PLEASE), realtime conditional alerts, offline version of the program). That would surely kick butt.
Topic: Polls within webinars
Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:17:55 PM

There was a poll in todays webinar and what I found very frustrating was the inability to vote in the poll.  The options were as follows:

-Paper Trader <--- Would be nice, but I'm not too itchy for this.

 -Real-Time Conditional Alerts <----- The far superior-most-advanced-option (IMO, what I would've voted for if I could vote)

 -Pre & post-market data included on charts <--- Have no idea why we don't have his already.

 -Data for Index Futures (E-Minis) <--- I'm sure future traders would love this, though I don't trade futures too frequently.

 -Trade directly from Platform <--- This would only favor particular brokerages, so I don't think it's a fair option that will serve the whole community.

 not to sound condescending - but all of these options are great.  Many competitors offer some of these (if not all), and furthermore, some may outweigh others.  Some I believe are a no brainer, and leave me still astonished at the lack of such features.  If I had to choose from one I would vote for conditonal alerts because this would be a great option.  Like a trendline break alert, imagining an alert that occurs on an intray or daily basis OR WEEKLY.. etc... stating an oversold/overbought stochastic or RSI would be mind blowing.  This would appeal to any intraday trader for sure, and be a very NICE option that would once again bring glory to tc.  In fact it would appeal to any trader.  What seperates TC2000 and Stock Finder from the rest is this convinient (user friendly IMO) scanner.  The alert system is okay, (I find the trendline alerts quite useful).

What I am trying to get at, is the reasoning behind posting a poll within a webinar.  Why not post it online on the worden website?  I got excited at this idea that worden was going to consult with us users for what should be implemented next, only to realize that I was cheated out of this opportunity to contribute my opinion on what should be implemented next.  For whatever reason I couldn't vote even though I attended the webinar, and that was my PRIMARY reason for attendind the webinar.

Finally, all of these great features should be implemented.  I think they're all great in their own shape or form.  It'd be cool to hear what others have to say to this.


Topic: Liquid Optionable Stocks/ETFs with Tight Option Bid/Ask Spreads
Posted: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:11:27 AM
If the image doesn't load, here's the direct link.http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6769/aapl20110825daytrade.png
Topic: Liquid Optionable Stocks/ETFs with Tight Option Bid/Ask Spreads
Posted: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:01:15 AM
Jobs' resignation got me very excited, especially when we AAPL opened with a very nice GAP DOWN.  For those that remember, AAPL also gapped downwards only to cover it all up within the day on the day of it's earnings which just happened to be coincidentally the day Jobs took his medical leave (that was some months ago).  Here's the picture of what happened on the 25th of august.

Topic: Bull market continues
Posted: Monday, August 8, 2011 7:06:01 PM
QUOTE (funnymony)
......and it was the perfect storm. good fundamentals, optimism at a high, and poor technicals with a classic head and shoulders top.
Topic: Which stocks to buy now for covered call strategy in near furure?
Posted: Monday, August 8, 2011 6:41:25 PM
QUOTE (akspeculations)

I can only think of GLD and SLV