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Profile: billjsmith
User Name: billjsmith
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Saturday, July 21, 2007
Last Visit: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 10:07:46 AM
Number of Posts: 32
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: tc2000 trading simulator
Posted: Monday, January 4, 2016 7:42:32 PM

Bruce, I opened a sumultion trading account and have been using it for a couple of days but I haven't figured out how to tie the stop loss to the buy order. In other systems that is referred to as Order Submits Order (OSO) or Order Triggers Order (OTO). Is this a TC2000 question  or a WordenTrade question?

Topic: Minimum Bollinger Bandwidth
Posted: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:57:18 PM

Your mastery of PCL is impressive. I was going to warn you about getting a big head but then I looked at your picture and realized I was too late! (-:

Thanks again.

Topic: Minimum Bollinger Bandwidth
Posted: Friday, June 12, 2015 5:28:39 PM

Thanks Bruce.

I had to look up Donchian Channels. I had never used it before. It gives me something that I have been looking for, for a while, the min and max functions for indicatiors other than the ones available in a PCF. 

Are there any plans to make the functions and prior bar references available to all indicatiors? Even better would be the ones I have created!

Topic: Minimum Bollinger Bandwidth
Posted: Friday, June 12, 2015 9:25:08 AM

How would I write a PCF that would filter for stocks with minimum BBW 10,2 over the last month less than 0.2?

Topic: How is Market Rank Calculated?
Posted: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:53:07 PM

Thanks for the formula. It works perfectly. One issue that I discovered while testing is that n has to be the total number of symbols in the list less the ones where the chosen indicator value can not be computed. I was testing with RSI Today and trying to use n = 7642 and not getting the correct results until I realized that 26 stocks did not have enough data to compute RSI Today. After adjusting these out, I used n = 7616 and got perfect answers. I guess that should have been obvious! (-:

Thanks again,
Topic: How is Market Rank Calculated?
Posted: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:33:35 AM

I am disturbed by the absence of a relevent response to this thread. Market Rank is significantly incorrect at ranks of 1 and 99 which puts the reliability of all ranks in question. Every software product has bugs. Ignoring them will eventually lead to the death of the product.

Topic: How is Market Rank Calculated?
Posted: Sunday, August 22, 2010 9:56:46 AM
What I am looking for is the calculation for market/list rank and what set of stocks market rank is based upon. I assume that is "all items in system" but can't be sure because I can not duplicate the market rank number generated by TeleChart no matter what set of stocks I use. 

What I want to know is the formula for figuring market rank. That seems simple. Just divide the number of stocks in the list by 99 and say the result of that operation if 75. Then sort the data ascending and the first 75 in the list are market rank 1 and the second 75 in the list are rank 2. Then within each rank, the middle indicator value would be r.5 where r is the  current market rank.

This does not work though. So my question is "How is market rank computed and what set of stocks is it computed on?"

Since my example above has now passed, pick any indicator you would like and display its market rank. Then show me a formula that will generate that number.

Bill Smith
Topic: How is Market Rank Calculated?
Posted: Friday, August 20, 2010 4:13:12 PM
Take symbol TOBC. Its RSI today for 8/15/2010 is 2.90 and its market rank is 1.270008. 

I understand the 2.90 but what calculation produces the .1.270008?

Is market rank based on the symbols in system watchlist 'All items in System'?

Bill S 
Topic: How is Market Rank calculated?
Posted: Sunday, August 15, 2010 6:05:33 PM
Take symbol TOBC. It RSI today for 8/15/2010 is 2.90 and its market rank is 1.270008. 

I understand the 2.90 but what calculation produces the .1.270008?

Is market rank based on the symbols in system watchlist 'All items in System'?

Bill S
Topic: BarsVisible Declaration
Posted: Monday, May 24, 2010 6:16:42 PM
I need to compute the average volume over the visible bars as the first step to computing a volume adjusted moving average. I thought BarsVisible would help me do that but then I discovered that IsFirstBar CurrentDate was in June of 2002 with less than 5 months visible. 

How would you write that code?