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Profile: Onecap
User Name: Onecap
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Last Visit: Sunday, September 24, 2017 4:20:30 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Moving Linear Regression -- and How To
Posted: Saturday, October 4, 2014 9:03:13 PM

Hi,  Two parts to questions:

#1) Please post the PCF formula for a 34 day Moving Linear Regression Curve.

#2) "How To" -- Please also explain how do you calculate the multipliers and divisor for a MLRC formula?  (i.e., what are the generic "rules" to calculate a MLRC for ANY number of days).

Thanks in advance for help!

Topic: ETF Component Lists - Date? Updates? Accuracy? Sources?
Posted: Friday, July 25, 2014 2:01:33 PM

QUOTE (Bruce_L)

The component lists for ETFs were updated today and will update on a daily basis going forward. The lists will include any US and Canadian stocks, but no foreign stocks. If there is an ETF without a component list, then that means we do not have the component information.

Thanks, Bruce.  If known, could you answer questions 3 & 4 too?

3) How ACCURATE are these lists--to ensure that

(a) no symbols are omitted?

(b) no wrong symbols are included?

(c) names and symbols are all correctly matched (no discrepancies)?

4) What is/are the SOURCES of the Symbols in the Components Lists?  (i.e., can I obtain symbols lists directly, to ensure or double-check both timeliness of updates and accuracy?)

Topic: ETF Component Lists - Date? Updates? Accuracy? Sources?
Posted: Monday, June 30, 2014 3:25:53 AM

Regarding ETF COMPONENT LISTS in TeleChart v 7 and v 12.4:

(for ETF funds of USA domestic stocks*)

1) Is there a way to know the DATE each of the symbols lists was compiled?

2) What is the FREQUENCY of updates to symbols lists to keep them current?

3) How ACCURATE are these lists--to ensure that

(a) no symbols are omitted?

(b) no wrong symbols are included?

(c) names and symbols are all correctly matched (no discrepancies)?

4) What is/are the SOURCES of the Symbols in the Components Lists?  (i.e., can I obtain symbols lists directly, to ensure or double-check both timeliness of updates and accuracy?)

Thanks for providing these lists--very useful as starting points for strategic screening!

*--Questions are specific to USA domestic stocks in ETFs of fund sponsors that Worden tracks.  I realize different issues and difficulties arise with foreign stocks, commodities, etc.

Topic: Relative Strength Built-ins: Chart Plot versus Scan/Sort
Posted: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 9:37:11 AM

Please clarify the similarities and differences of the two (or more?) versions of Relative Strength ("RS") built into Worden Software:

#1) When a RS Plot is added to a chart, what is the formula for what it is actually plotting? Over what time period? (current 1-day difference? 1 year RS? or other period?)

AND: Could you give an example with actual data for a recent date using XLF versus IWZ? (S&P Financial Sector RS versus Russell 3000 ETF funds)

#2) Is the line plotted calculated the same (or not?) as the built-in RS Sorting/Scanning item defined in "Definitions of all built in scanning and sorting criteria" (at For benefit of readers, the definition reads:

Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500) - The relative change in price of a stock over the past year compared to the change in the SP-500 over the same time. The calculation is : (Latest Close Price of Stock / Latest Close Price of SP-500) / (Close Price of Stock 1 year ago / Close Price of SP-500 1 year ago) * 100.

#3) Are any different RS measures or plots included in TC 2000 version 12.4? Please explain and provide example(s), if relevant.

(I use both versions of Worden software in both MS Windows and Apple OS X. Because I build lists, charts, and scans in the offline software first, then transfer, I'm posting this question in the TC2000 version 7 forum.)

#4) FYI: I've read offline and online documentation, and searched the Forum, spending lots of time reading posts that don't really answer this question.

So, a suggestion: Offering a fomula, and example, for every built-in item would be a very welcome addition to documentation--saving many man-hours for both users and Support!!

PS--Confirming: I do refer only to RS (not RSI)

Topic: TSI with WMA calculations?
Posted: Friday, October 4, 2013 11:15:51 PM

Also:  The question refers to TC 2007 software.  Also, how can the same TSI with WMA be created in TC 2000 latest version?

Topic: TSI with WMA calculations?
Posted: Friday, October 4, 2013 11:10:32 PM

Bruce responded to a prior post about creating a True Strength Index (TSI) with Weighted Moving Averages (WMA) at

Could you indicate how to change the parameters for (any) different lengths of WMA in a TSI?

More specifically, the TSI formula to create a PCF and chart plot is: 

TSI = WMA(WMA(NetChange,Long),Short) / WMA(WMA(AbsNetChange(n),Long),Short)

Where:  WMA = (front) Weighted Moving Average

The periods I want to evaluate are:  Long = Long Period = 63 bars, and Short = Short Period = 21 bars

NetChange = Typical Price - Typical Price 1 bar ago = (H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3

AbsNetChange = Absolute value of Typical Price - Typical Price 1 bar ago = ABS((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3)

So, substituting values:

TSI = WMA(WMA((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3, 63),21) / WMA(WMA(ABS((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3), 63),21)

Thanks in advance for help with this.

Topic: TSI with WMA?
Posted: Saturday, October 13, 2012 11:24:01 AM

THANKS, Bruce! 

Awesome--formula works fine.  How do you do this so fast? 

Topic: TSI with WMA?
Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2012 3:49:14 PM

re:  TC2000 version 7 software

How could I write a PCF and chart indicator of True Strength Index (TSI) using Weighted Moving Averages (WMA) for a PCF and a chart indicator?

The TSI formula would be:

TSI = WMA(WMA(NetChange,Long),Short) / WMA(WMA(AbsNetChange(n),Long),Short)


WMA = (front) Weighted Moving Average

Long = Long Period = 100 bars

Short = Short Period = 20 bars

NetChange = Typical Price – Typical Price 1 bar ago = (H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3

AbsNetChange = Absolute value of Typical Price - Typical Price 1 bar ago = ABS((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3)

So, substituting values:

TSI = WMA(WMA((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3, 100),20) / WMA(WMA(ABS((H+L+C)/3 - (H1+L1+C1)/3), 100),20)

Despite seeing some TSI and WMA formulas separately on the Forum*, I’m unsure how to combine them to create a TSI using WMA.  Is it feasible?

*From searches of the Forum for terms TSI, true strength index, WMA, and weighted average, I see that TC2000: (a) defines TSI with XAVG (exponential MA), rather than WMA, and (b) does not have a formula for WMA.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Topic: Moving Linear Regression Curve - Function or Formula?
Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2012 11:14:19 AM

re:  TC2000 version 7 software

Moving Linear Regression ("MLR") curves in a Personal Criteria Formula (PCF)

#1)  Is there a built-in FUNCTION to calculate Moving Linear Regression curve values in a PCF?

#2)  If not, could you tell me the FORMULA, using TC2000 built-in functions, to calculate Moving Linear Regression curve values in a PCF?

#3)  GOAL A (example):  develop a PCF to test whether a 10 day MLR is > a 30 day MLR

#4)  GOAL B (example):  develop a PCF for the VALUE of a 30 day MLR, for use as a STOP

Thanks in advance for any help!