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Profile: te123
User Name: te123
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Last Visit: Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:27:37 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Looking for favorable price volume relationships
Posted: Friday, May 29, 2015 12:26:22 AM

Yes.  Today's results would be for today compared to yesterday.  Then yesterday's results would be for yesterday compared to the day before. And then the day before's results would be for that day compared to the day before.  And continue this process for ten days.  Then after 10 days, compile the totals.

So for today:   if c > c1 and v > v1 then that is assigned the number 2

and if c < c1 and v < v1 then that is assigned the number 1

and if c > c1 and v < v1 then that is assigned the number 0

and if c < c1 and v > v1 then that is assigned the number -1 

And then repeat for yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, ... for 10 days.


Topic: Looking for favorable price volume relationships
Posted: Thursday, May 28, 2015 10:07:35 PM

I do not know if this is a good question, but I will pose it anyway.

I am looking to compile a watchlist that selects the stocks with the most favorable price volume relationships over the past say 10 days.

The stocks would be rated based on the following where a stock gets a higher number for a more favorable price volume relationship:

  • If the price is up and the volume is up, then the stock gets a 2 for that day.
  • If the price is down and the volume is down, then the stock gets a 1 for that day.
  • If the price is up and the volume is down, then the stock gets a 0 for that day.
  • If the price is down and the volume is up, then the stock gets a minus 1 for that day.

Do this for each day in the period and for each stock in the list to scan.  Then add the numbers for the stocks for the selected period.  The stocks with the highest numbers would be selected for the watchlist.

 Is this reasonable and are there indicators that already do this?


Topic: Layouts for industry groups
Posted: Friday, September 19, 2014 2:28:42 PM

I would like a 3x3 layout grid for each of my favorite industry groups and the grid would contain the favorite stocks in the industry group selected.  For example, one grid for airlines that would contain my 9 favorite airline stocks, and one grid for railroads that would contain my 9 favorite railroad stocks, etc.  Do I have to set up a tab for each group and then select the tab I am interested in or is there a better way.  Thanks.

Topic: Scan for stocks with volume up and price up or volume down and price down
Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:41:29 PM

I am trying to scan for stocks that meet the following condition:     (Price up  and volume up) or (Price down and volume down).  The condition is applied to today, yesterday, and the day before that.  The results would yield stocks that passed the condition on the three days.  Help please.