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Profile: dsloan2970
User Name: dsloan2970
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Saturday, March 19, 2005
Last Visit: Thursday, February 6, 2014 1:12:50 PM
Number of Posts: 12
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Manipulation/calculation with the "fundamental" variables.
Posted: Sunday, March 15, 2009 2:15:38 PM
Hi. I wish to create some scans using a combination of fundamental and technical indicators. I don't see any examples in the training materials nor do I find a data dictionary that equates such fundamental terms with their variable name. Can you point me to this dictionary? Also, is there a Worden Training activity that spends some time on the use of .net by stockfinder? I plan to attend the program in San Jose that is coming up on April 3rd & 4th. Will the program go into the programming topics?
Topic: ATR and stochastic
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2006 4:38:42 PM
I too use a variant of this. However, deciding by this one indicator alone I find insufficient. Often the daily view is noise unless you are trading on a few % points. I find a better result if I use a weekly view. I think it takes some time for sufficient volume to develop to confirm if you have an inflection point. I confirm the 20 exit or 80 entry by first tsv and money stream divergence positive or negative from the moving averages. Additionally, I use TSV divergence from RSI to indicate the direction of the market. Finally, watch BOP and volume. They indicate power or weakness in the movement. Often a weekly or monthly view will show stochastics at or below 20 or above 80 for significant time. If you are in a bear market, you can be below 20 for many quarters and then see a large drop over time. If in a bull market, selling at 80 you can miss significant additional upside. This is why additional indicators are needed.
Topic: TC2005's data accuracy and some suggestions
Posted: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:55:52 PM
I too find a number of data errors or anomalies. Most recent is Wro, (WIT). TC200 chart shows a cap value of $14B where in S&P cap value is $7B. Earnings show $5B, S&P shows $1.8B, PE ratio shows 2.9x while in s&p it is 36.3. This is the Oct 20, 2005 update. I don't know how to get these things fixed having failed several times on other anomolies. So, beware.

For most stocks, the values are close to the s&p numbers. So, perhaps, someone mistyped some values, but one needs to use the TC2000 data sheets with great care by checking other sources.
Topic: Plotting fundamental data( revenue, etc. against price
Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:27:49 PM
I don't see a mechanism for plotting fundamentals against price with other indicators. Can you give me a tip?
Topic: C -citigroup
Posted: Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:27:39 PM
QUOTE (wilw31)
This stock has been in freefall. How do you interpret the current chart?

I think if you look at money stream and tsv( weekly basis), you will see cash flowing out(indeed accelerating out) of C. Over the last several weeks, BOP has been decidedly red/negative. Institutions are dumping.

Meantime, the stock is held up by good recommendations from analysts. I think the continued stream of ethical lapses, the flattening of the yield curve, prohibitions from regulators, and mediocre performance of the brokerage wing are weighing on the stock. I plan to sell on rally. dsloan2970