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Profile: glmus
User Name: glmus
Groups: Beta Testers, Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, October 7, 2004
Last Visit: Sunday, December 16, 2018 9:16:47 PM
Number of Posts: 50
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: PSARs
Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 11:08:53 AM

The standard parameters are .2, .2, but I like .1, .2 better.  I plot both of them on my charts.  I have found that there are times when the values coincide or are very close.  

Bruce, can you help me by writing a scan to determine when they coincide?  And/or when they are close?

Many thanks, GLMUS.

Topic: scanning for change in Heiken Ashe candles
Posted: Monday, January 29, 2018 11:48:24 AM

Bruce, the two formulas above are FABULOUS.  I could not have gotten these without you.  This should keep me in trends longer, both up and down. MANY THANKS.

P.S. Your response BEFORE I EXPANDED IT didn't seem to be the same.  Perhaps you made a change.


Topic: scanning for change in Heiken Ashe candles
Posted: Sunday, January 28, 2018 3:32:04 PM

Bruce, I want to scan for HA bars with a flat bottom (or top).  The formula requires

min(l,o1,c1) but I can't seem to find that.  Please help.

Topic: version 12.4 question
Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:44:02 PM

Thanks, Bruce.

Topic: version 12.4 question
Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:46:23 PM

Bruce, TC won't do the following for me:

Plot indicator 'RelS vs VXX' for example.  Then add 'EAvg3' to that indicator.

Now I want to Create a scan the easy way to determine if EAvg3 is below RelS vs VXX.  TC doesn't do that.  Can you?

Thanks, Glmus

Topic: Simple Volume Indicator/Predictor
Posted: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 11:05:45 AM

Thanks, Bruce.  I visually backtested several stocks and found that .03 is a reasonable squeeze size to start.  Having said this, using a percentage can still be widely variable as you infer.  This should be very helpful in the future when applied to many stocks however.  It is taking me awhile to get back into writing PCFs like I did years ago.  However, I am almost to the point where, thanks to  you, I am seriously thinking about upgrading to Platinum.  Cheers, glmus

Topic: Simple Volume Indicator/Predictor
Posted: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 8:33:01 AM

I have been away for some time and want to get into writing a few PCFs again - this one is too complicated for me at this point.  I want to have a PCF that finds a MACD kiss.  Namely, a point when the MACD and its moving average are very close though not necessarily a cross over.  I looked through the MACD posts and could not find this.  Can you help me?  Thanks.

Topic: haDelta
Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:57:29 PM
Thanks, Bruce.  I am aware of other interpretations.  This is very helpful.
Topic: haDelta
Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:40:19 PM
Bruce, re the haDelta indicator, please cook this oscillator up:

haclose - haopen.

This should rise when a stock is up and turn down when the stock is going down.

This idea came from a webinar I just attended.

Thanks, Gary
Topic: haDelta
Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:04:44 AM
Bruce, Dan at wrote the following to me about haDelta:


Thanks for writing and your interest.

It's fair to let Worden get in touch with me.

Thus, if you write Dan, I believe that he will share haDelta with you so you can share it with us.
Thanks, Gary