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Profile: bluedevil
User Name: bluedevil
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Last Visit: Monday, June 4, 2018 4:50:19 PM
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Topic: Requesting a PCF scan for a Price - MACD Histogram Divergence
Posted: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 11:34:35 PM

Can you please help me with a PCF scan for Divergence? Specically I would like to have the following conditions in sequence for both weekly and daily charts. (Weekly EMAs are 26 and 13, and Daily EMAs are 22 and 13).

  1. MACD Histogram falls to its lowest low of 100 bars, then
  2. MACD Histogram crosses above the zero line, then
  3. Stock price hits new 100 day low; and then,
  4. MACD Histogram crosses below its zero line again.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.