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Profile: carj
User Name: carj
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, October 19, 2006
Last Visit: Thursday, March 26, 2020 8:35:01 PM
Number of Posts: 2
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Rising Stochastic Cross Indicator
Posted: Saturday, December 22, 2018 9:58:47 AM

Good morning, I have a question about the green dots formual.

If I use formulal 1.  IIF(XUP(STOC10.4, AVG(STOC10.4, 4)) AND STOC10.4 < 75,  .995 * MINL5, 1 / 0)

               the test formula icon gave and error message &ndash; Divided by 0

If I used the modified formula 2.  IIF(XUP(STOC10.4, AVG(STOC10.4, 4)) AND STOC10.4 < 75,  .995 * MINL(5, 1), 0)

               Test formula gave value = to 0.00

The second formula also produced green dots at every price point with the "Dots" plot style selection, not only at the crossover price point as desired.  At the crossover the dot was an inch or so above the price point on the chart and at the bottom of the chart at all other prices.

How can I change the formula to only generate the green dots at the crossover price, just below the price on the chart?

Thank you,





Topic: PCFs - how to do these?
Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007 11:14:52 PM
Now that we better understand how to do easy scans, Part 2 of Sir Rotate's submittal puts his "SCAN BUY" through an elimination process using a series of charts to delete stocks that do not meet his criteria which are:

1. exclude where price is above 5 day moving average
2. exclude where price is below 50 day moving avg

How do you use a "series of charts" to eliminate the stock that do not meet the criteria.

 Can you provide an example for 1 or 2 above?

