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Profile: davidf2
User Name: davidf2
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Joined: Sunday, January 30, 2005
Last Visit: Monday, December 8, 2008 5:00:21 PM
Number of Posts: 10
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Morningstar Industry Group question...
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2008 4:02:44 PM
Hey Guys,
I'm a Gold user only right now, so I don't have the real time TCNet.  Can you tell me though, how long have the Industry Groups been available for intra-day download updates, how long is their delay and are they available real-time on TCNet?

Thank you!!!
Topic: Custom T2 Indicators in Blocks 3.0?
Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:24:03 PM
Can someone here tell me please, can Blocks run A/D calcs across a watchlist?  Let's say I have 300 of my own stocks in a watchlist and I want to create my own A/D line, McClellan Osc., Summation Index or perhaps an average of the postions of various moving averages for that list.  In other words, I'd like my own T2 indicators for my list.  Is this possible?  It looks like great software but without that sort of feature I have to rely on my Metastock and I'm not drawn to Blocks really.  I'd like it to be possible because your guys software is faster than Metastock.
Topic: Flagging stocks...
Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 5:51:06 PM
If I have a watchlist of several MG Industry groups, can I flag all the stocks within all those groups at once, or must I switch the watchlist to each group's components and flag them all separately?
Topic: Beta and Capitalization Updates...
Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:09:02 PM
I understand the the MG Industry Averages are based on a cap. weighting derived from the square root of the market cap. Is this cap weighting figure updated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? Also, is the Beta ranking based on a yearly or 3 year comparison against what Index (is it the S&P?)and how often is the Beta updated?
Topic: Reports-Today's Prices Window...
Posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:10:44 PM

When you open a watchlist and then click on Reports, Today's Prices, a window comes up with a data sheet of info for each stock in the list. One of those columns is labled Net and the one next to it is labled %Change. Is there a way to access the historical data for these Columns? Can I create a PCF or something that will graph out the average total number which appears at the bottom of each of these two columns?

thank you.
Topic: TC 2005 Question...
Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:42:46 PM
Will TC2005 have the ability for allowing to schedule the downloading as in the Windows Scheduled Tasks feature? I know it is fast already but I transfer stuff to Metastock with each download and the EOD data processing I do with the TC data in Metastock takes a while to perform each night.
Topic: Will TC2005 have the smart export to Metastock?
Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:30:40 PM

2005 MUST have export to Metastock. I transfer the MG Industry Groups into Metastock as the ones they supply with the Reuters Datalink are lame in comparison.
Topic: MG Industry Average Calculations...
Posted: Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:24:54 PM
Can you please tell me what the calculation method is that goes into the MG Industry Averages? I can not find this info in the help files or elsewhere on the web site.

Take for instance MG714, Specialty Eateries. The MG chart average looks alot like only one component within the list, and that would be Starbucks. How the other 3 relate to the average I can't figure. Is the MG average price weighted, cap weighted or calculated some other way? The MG price itself does not seem to be a direct multiple of the average price of the component stocks within the MG list. Can you please explain? Thank you.