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Profile: BryanSum
User Name: BryanSum
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Joined: Thursday, February 7, 2019
Last Visit: Monday, October 14, 2019 4:59:39 AM
Number of Posts: 6
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Two questions on toolbar display
Posted: Monday, March 11, 2019 5:01:15 AM

Sorry, one additional question. In the toolbar there's the ability to add a suffix and prefix. I'm not able to find a formula or a syntax that allows for this in conditions/formula - is this possible?

Topic: Two questions on toolbar display
Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2019 10:25:53 PM

Okay thank you.

Topic: Two questions on toolbar display
Posted: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 1:05:45 AM

I created a vol  % change vs the 50-day average of volume as an indicator. I'm trying to add it to the toolbar, but it seems to only reflect today's change and not the day I'm selecting the crosshair over (to I wish for each day to change in the toolbar box just like OHLC and price % change). I understand that that's because I'm using C in the formula, but is it possible to have a formula to reflect the day I'm selecting? Thanks.

Next question would be on a different default daily chart to show up when I select a different watchlist. This is concerning the T2 MArket indicators - I'd like another daily chart that I've saved in my chart list to show up instead of my default candlestick chart. Is it possible to program this too?

Thank you.

Topic: Display for custom formula
Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 10:41:02 PM

Thanks. I'll use the histogram method - much more appealing than the dot.

Topic: Display for custom formula
Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 3:28:18 AM - doesn't seem to load on the site but its viewable on imgur

Topic: Display for custom formula
Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 3:27:45 AM

Hi there,

I found a formula to calculate Pocket Pivots on this forum and it's working. i'd like to change the display settings on the volume indicator bars though. Currently it's represented as a 1 and 0 and it's relatively hard to read. I'm rather new to TC2000 and haven't managed to find a different display option. Here's a screenshot for example:

May I know if it's possible to highlight the volume bars if a pocket pivot is detected, and not display the zeroes?

