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Profile: Max0rz
User Name: Max0rz
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Joined: Monday, December 24, 2018
Last Visit: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 7:29:52 AM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Linking zoom levels of charts
Posted: Saturday, December 29, 2018 4:49:08 AM

I like that multiple charts can have their time interval linked. What I'd like to do, in addition to that, is to have them all zoom exactly the same as well, so that they're always in-line.

For instance, if I plot a stock like AMD in a chart window, and add an option chart into the same window, they automatically zoom the same, so that everything is in-line time-wise. I'd like to be able to extend this zoom synchronization functionality to multiple stock charts with different tickers.

Topic: Creating a $ Volume traded column for lists
Posted: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 5:53:10 AM

I want to have a watch list column that shows the actual $ amount of the instrument traded for the day. At the moment I have a primitive formula which sort of does this: V*((H+L)/2)

It just uses the middle point between the high and low for the day as the price to multiply by the # of shares traded.

I figured it might be more accurate to multiply the volume by the VWAP's final price value for the day, but I don't know how to obtain this value with these scripts, nor do I know if that's the best way to get an accurate $ amount traded.