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Profile: RennyU
User Name: RennyU
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Topic: Compare %B Boliinger value against its EMA
Posted: Sunday, June 3, 2018 8:33:53 AM


I’m testing the Bollinger Band %B(20, 2) against the EMA (9 periods) over it.

The PCF I’m writing is asking this question (in pseudo code): %B > (1.3*EMA9)

The actual code is:

((C0 - XAVGC20.0) / 2 / 2 / STDDEV20.0) +0.5 > 1.3*XAVG(((C0 - XAVGC20.0) / 2 / 2 / STDDEV20.0) + .5, 9)

As it stands, the above code is slow. You can see the duplication. Is my approach to the above question correct? Can I create and assign variables to speed up the code?

Thank you for any advise you can give me.

