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Profile: Jennlongyu
User Name: Jennlongyu
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Last Visit: Thursday, July 5, 2018 6:19:59 PM
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Topic: Lowest price with in X daily bar.
Posted: Monday, July 2, 2018 6:13:11 PM



I am trying to set up a formule where it give me a X days % change between the highest and the lowest price point. I use MAXH 5.1. for 1 offset and the higest price of 5 previous days.

X days higest price - X days lowest price / current price * 100= X %

But I can not the the com for lowest price in the privous 5 days. I am looking for the lowest price, not the lowest price on a down day. I am wondering which what the formule shall be like. 


Furthure more I would also like to compare this X days % with the pass X days Avg moving % as a refrance to find stock that have consolidation price for a X days. WHich can also included a dip low or fake break. 

Like P.M for the pass 20 days. 


Something like that. But i need to find the lowest price, not the lowest closing days price. 

I havent really work out the entire set up yet, but at this stage i am stuck in a few line of com. It will be nice if you can also breafly expalin the basic meaning, so I will be able to learn and understand more on the structure and it&#39;s set up. 


