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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Stochastics PCF Crossover
Posted: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:15:04 AM

Awesome, thank you!

Topic: Stochastics PCF Crossover
Posted: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:59:38 AM

Hi there,

I wonder if you could help me: some time ago there was this indicator mentioned in Traders tips: HigherLowerStochastics.

If I wanted to scan for a cross over of the red and green lines, would this be it ?


100 * ABS(H > H1) * (H - MINH20) / (MAXH20 - MINH20)
> 100 * ABS(L < L1) * (MAXL20 - L) / (MAXL20 - MINL20)
100 * ABS(H1 > H2) * (H1 - MINH21) / (MAXH21 - MINH21)
> 100 * ABS(L1 < L2) * (MAXL21 - L1) / (MAXL21 - MINL21)

Also, since as a PCF it&#39;s based off of a 20 period moving average, would I have to stick avgc20 in front of the tops 2 lines and avgc20.1 in front of the bottom two lines ?

Thank you for helping me out!


Topic: ichimoku
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2018 4:03:37 PM

Thank you!

Topic: ichimoku
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2018 8:20:10 AM

Hi Bruce,

I have a question regarding this topic:  if I want to get 2 Tenkan lines crossing each other (let&#39;s say one 9 and one 18 long), would this be the correct formula for a crossover :

(MAXH9 + MINL9) / 2 > (MAXH18 + MINL18) / 2 and

(MAXH9.1 + MINL9.1) / 2 <= (MAXH18.1 + MINL18.1) / 2


Thank you for your support in advance!


Topic: TTM Squeeze
Posted: Sunday, May 6, 2018 12:01:09 PM

Hi Bruce,

would you also share the latest version with me, thank you!



Topic: PCF for Leader of the MACD - TASC July 2008
Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 3:11:41 PM

QUOTE (Bruce_L)

The basic structure should in fact work if you are using TC2000 v17 (but not earlier versions of TC2000). I think you just might have the parentheses wrong.

AVG(2 * XAVGC12 - XAVG(XAVGC12,12) - 2 * XAVGC26 + XAVG(XAVGC26,26), 50)


Also I put "AVGC" instead of "AVG" at the beginning, which was my main mistake. 

Very fast reply, thanks so much!

Topic: PCF for Leader of the MACD - TASC July 2008
Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 2:23:55 PM

QUOTE (Bruce_L)
Please try the following:

2 * XAVGC12 - XAVG(XAVGC12,12) - 2 * XAVGC26 + XAVG(XAVGC26,26)


Hi Bruce,

to practice PCFs I want to write a 50 simple moving average of that formula, but it doesn&#39;t quite work:

AVGC(2 * XAVGC12 - XAVG(XAVGC12,12) - 2 * XAVGC26 + XAVG(XAVGC26,26)),50) does not work. Where am I wrong ?


Topic: Decimal Place Question PCF
Posted: Friday, February 3, 2017 9:24:14 AM

That&#39;s a great idea, hadn&#39;t thought of that.  Thank you!

Topic: Decimal Place Question PCF
Posted: Friday, February 3, 2017 4:40:42 AM

Hi, I run a european version Windows where the Decimal sign is a comma instead of a dot (and the dot is a comma, it&#39;s switched around)

So if for example if I write a PCF c/c1 > 1.02 it actually changes the 1.02 to 102.

I have changed the numbers setting within Windows itself and now it works, but it means my whole PC now runs on US decimal settings (which is not too good for other applications eg. Excel).

Is there a workaround within the PFC language or TC2000 ?   If I use a comma as in "1,02" it gives me an unexpected comma error.

Hoping you can help, thank you.
