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Profile: Andranik
User Name: Andranik
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Last Visit: Monday, February 18, 2019 10:27:35 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Exponential Moving Average of TSV
Posted: Friday, August 31, 2018 10:30:58 AM

Thanks Bruce! The PCF now matches the results on the chart, after using the formulas you posted on 08/30 @ 8:44:58 am.

The TSV24 that is plotted on the chart is actually the 24-period exponential TSV. By just inputing "TSV24" into the PCF I would get the simple TSV value, which is  different from the TSV24 value shown on the charts.

I also referred to a thread you answered back in 2014  that was similar to mine:




Topic: Exponential Moving Average of TSV
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:39:06 AM

So would this be the formula for the calculating the TSV24 for MSFT?

(TSV + TSV1.1 + TSV1.2 + TSV1.3 + TSV1.4 + TSV1.5 + TSV1.6 + TSV1.7 + TSV1.8 + TSV1.9 + TSV1.10 + TSV1.11 + TSV1.12 + TSV1.13 + TSV1.14 + TSV1.15 + TSV1.16 + TSV1.17 +TSV1.18+ TSV1.19+ TSV1.20+TSV1.21+ TSV1.22+ TSV1.23 + TSV1.24) / 24

Topic: Exponential Moving Average of TSV
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:28:47 AM

How is the TSV24 and the EMA12 of the TSV calculated on the chart? Is it by a simple moving average or an exponential moving average? For example The TSV24 on the weekly chart of MSFT is 215.6K (this is a rounded value). And the EMA12 on the weekly chart is 196,035.88. How were these values calculated? What are the formulas used to calculate those values that show up on the charts?

Topic: Exponential Moving Average of TSV
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:09:07 AM

When running this PCF as a scan in my watchlist, I'm still pulling up stocks that don't fit the above criteria. (i.e. many of the stocks that are marked as "True" when using the PCF have a TSV24 greater than XAvg(TSV24,12).

Also, after running the MSFT test using the PCF above, the values for TSV24 and XAvg(TSV24,12) that I revceived differ from the values for those indicators plotted on the actual chart for MSFT.

Topic: Exponential Moving Average of TSV
Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:35:26 AM


I am trying to create a PCF that will scan for stocks that have the following criteria:

1) TSV 24 less than 0 on the weekly chart


2) TSV 24 less than the EMA12 of TSV 24 on the weekly chart

I came up with the following PCF myself, but it for some reason it is coming up with inaccurate results when running the test with MSFT

  TSV24 < 0 OR
  TSV24 < XAvg(TSV24,12)
  Timeframe: Weekly
Topic: Scanning for OTC & Pinksheet stocks in version 16.0
Posted: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 6:54:02 AM

How can I scan for OTC/Pinksheet stocks in TC2000 version 16?