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Profile: Crinklebine
User Name: Crinklebine
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Last Visit: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 3:43:20 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: 60 mins & 120 mins bars close incorrectly followup
Posted: Friday, February 19, 2016 9:34:47 PM

The handling of the 60 minutes in TC2000 is a chance for improvement.

In Forex, Futures the 60 minutes is fine since these run 24 hours and open on the hour.

In US stocks the first 60 minute bar should run between 9:30 and 10:30 to be consistent with common technical analysis practices.

This 60 minute issue also effects EasyScan results too.

Perhaps introducing Hourly - US, 2 Hours - US, 4 Hour US could be added as time frames to fix the EasyScan. But then the chsrt will still be off.

It is a bit of tricky problem to solve it seems because it was not thought of when the software was originally designed that some markets open on the half hour.

I use TC2000 for the EasyScan feature. I do my charting at a competitor because they handle the 60 minute charts properly. 

It would be nice to see TC2000 work on this.

Topic: API access to Easyscan results?
Posted: Friday, February 19, 2016 8:27:14 PM


I would like to write a piece of custom software to access the results of some Easyscans. The trading I do is quite reptetive and it would be easier if I could just have a software program do the work and the submit the trade through my brokers API.

Here's what I would like to do with my custom software:

1. Submit a scan and get a set of symbols back.

2. Use this list of symbols to then monitor in realtime using my brokers feed. If certain conditions are met then I would submit a trade.

Is anything like this possible with any of Worden's products?

Thank you,
