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Profile: jeremyjmcneil
User Name: jeremyjmcneil
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Last Visit: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:00:52 PM
Number of Posts: 17
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: TTM Squeeze
Posted: Monday, October 1, 2018 10:27:53 PM

Thank you as always Bruce!

Topic: TTM Squeeze
Posted: Friday, September 28, 2018 11:00:41 PM

Hi Bruce - would you be able to TCMail me the TTM Squeeze Indicator?

Thanks in advance!

Topic: Stockcharts PerfChart Returns Versus TC2000
Posted: Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:52:41 AM

Thanks as always Bruce.  Makes sense as the data gets adjusted for dividends.  Is either way any better or worse?

Topic: Stockcharts PerfChart Returns Versus TC2000
Posted: Thursday, August 9, 2018 1:02:23 AM

Hi there,

I do some comparison a la Dual Momentum by comparing two symbols on a chart.  For example, I want to compare the 3 month returns for both SPY and VSS.  I set that up as a comparison, start all plots at same point, and click the 3M (or 6M or 1Y...) under the chart to show just the past 3 months.

With the ruler turned on and showing %, I can then see the return calculated for that past period.

However, when I run a PerfChart on Stockcharts dot com, I get different numbers.  I have attached both screen shots.  I suspect it has something to do with adjusted data or something like that, but the differences seem a bit big.  Or is it that TC2000 uses 63 days where as Stockcharts uses 63 days?

Are you able to let me know if I am doing something wrong in TC2000, or why the differences?

Thanks in advance,


Topic: Sector performance
Posted: Thursday, June 9, 2016 10:33:23 PM

Thanks so much - that worked perfect!

Topic: Sector performance
Posted: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 10:23:48 PM

Sorry about reviving an old thread.  I am trying to do the above, but get a 3-month return calculation for each of the SPDR Sector (or any watchlist I set up for that matter).  You can see what I mean at this link:

For each stock, I am looking to calculate the 3-month % change.  Is that possible to do, so that I can include that as a column in a watchlist table?

Thanks in advance.

Topic: Indicator for Gaps Larger that 15% in Past 90 Days
Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2015 11:54:47 AM

Thanks Bruce - that makes sense.  I was looking at the charts wrong last night.  Appreciate your help, once again!

Topic: Indicator for Gaps Larger that 15% in Past 90 Days
Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:23:59 PM

Hi Bruce - I am having brain trouble here ;)

If I wanted to also flag the stocks that have had a gap down 15% or greater in the past 90 days how should I write the formula?  I tried a couple of things but my math inhibited brain isn't let me succeed!  Thanks in advance.

Topic: Stocks on the Move - Clenow
Posted: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:32:08 PM

Ok - thanks Bruce for your help.  I appreciate your patience as I worked through this.  I imagine the individual in the link in my 2nd post was doing something similar to me so the work had already been done.  I just need to get my head around moving from Excel to TC2000.

Topic: Stocks on the Move - Clenow
Posted: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:26:35 PM

Is it not?  I thought how I had it written is did.  Is there another way I should write it?