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Profile: tradertomG
User Name: tradertomG
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, January 16, 2014
Last Visit: Monday, October 15, 2018 3:25:59 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: pull back after pocket pivit
Posted: Friday, April 29, 2016 1:39:43 PM

Hi - I have a pocket pivot scan below that I got off this forum. I'd like to add a condition to it so that It returns the stocks that had a pocket pivot yesterday, but today are having a pullback of at least 30% of the move.

This is the condition I have to find the pivot breakout. Can you help me set it up to do as I was hoping?

 (C > C1 AND V > ABS(C1 < C2) * V1 AND V > ABS(C2 < C3) * V2 AND V > ABS(C3 < C4) * V3 AND V > ABS(C4 < C5) * V4 AND V > ABS(C5 < C6) * V5 AND V > ABS(C6 < C7) * V6 AND V > ABS(C7 < C8) * V7 AND V > ABS(C8 < C8) * V8 AND V > ABS(C9 < C10) * V9 AND V > ABS(C10 < C11) * V10) AND ((L1 < AVGC10.1 OR L2 < AVGC10.2 OR L3 < AVGC10.3 OR L4 < AVGC10.4 OR L5 < AVGC10.5) OR (L1 < AVGC50.1 OR L2 < AVGC50.2 OR L3 < AVGC50.3 OR L4 < AVGC50.4 OR L5 < AVGC50.5)) AND C > ((H - L) * .66) + L

Topic: Can volume be screened by time of day?
Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 12:29:53 PM

is there any way in tc2000 to compare the daily volume of a stock at a certain time of day to the 20 day average volume for that time of day? I&#39;d like to use it to find stocks that are trading higher then average volume for certain times of day.

For example I&#39;d like to be able to show AMBA in a search if it&#39;s volume as of 11am is greater by 50% than it&#39;s 40 day moving average volume for 11am