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Profile: albertobalparda
User Name: albertobalparda
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Last Visit: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 11:59:39 PM
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Topic: Options
Posted: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 11:06:05 PM

QUOTE (spartakis)

Trying to learn options once again. One thing I noticed is volumne very low if not 0 some days on the options I want to enter.  I know TC2000 don't have much scans or anything for options. Seems like you have to have a very high volumne traded stock or will volumne pick up.  For instance I  bought Puts today very small amount on GWR because overbought and other technicals on the chart.  But  literally the only one that bought it looks like. If the price decreases like I am hoping should be enough open interest or bids to make money? Or do you just find a list of high option traded stocks and trade those. Hoping this is a solid place to ask. Thanks


no abras Opciones con Open Interest menor a 120