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Profile: survivor
User Name: survivor
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, October 7, 2004
Last Visit: Friday, March 13, 2009 9:43:06 AM
Number of Posts: 319
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Treasury Bond ETFs
Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:54:09 PM
Sorry for the misspell- I mean "funnymony".
Topic: Treasury Bond ETFs
Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:51:18 PM
I got the % yields from Telechart.

If the prices do drop, yields will rise for a possible great buy.

What do you think funnymoney?
Topic: Treasury Bond ETFs
Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:31:47 PM
Have any of you gotten into any of the Treasury Bond ETF's like AGG, IEF, SHY, TLT?  Their dividends are pretty good, 4.3% - 4.8%, better than CDs.

Other than small fluctuations in the underlying price, I don't see many drawbacks to these ETFs.

Any thoughts or comments?

Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:48:52 AM
Since the 4th quarter of 2007 we have been seeing deflation in all commodities, housing, corporate equities etc.

Deflationary spirals are very difficult to stop......hence the huge efforts recently by the Fed and Treasury.

The question is will it work to stem the deflation.

If they are successful, we will then face inflation as noted above.

However,  I recently came across some government information that puts the deflationary damage to our economy to be over $7.7 Trillion through the 3rd quarter of 2008.  Wait until the 4th quarter numbers get added to this.  That is a huge amount of wealth destruction over the past year.  So the Fed and Treasures efforts of infusing a "measely" 700 Billion dollars may not be very efffective will it in comparison to what has already occurred?

Right now I'm just trying to keep the dollars I have.  I do not see investing in gold, oil etc as the right move now.  Although it clearly will be IF we can break the deflationary cycle we are in.

I know today is a lot different than the 30's, but Roosevelt tried a number of stimulous packages none of which worked.  It took a world war to do that.  Sure hope this isn't the general scenario we will face today.  But I do suspect we are in for a number of years of a very sluggish economy and stock market.

Hope I am wrong.
Topic: A revolution in the works?
Posted: Saturday, December 13, 2008 12:29:21 PM
Not to worry guys, the Federal Government will fix everything. 

Remember back in 1990, the federal government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it.

They failed and it closed.  Now, we are expected to trust the economy of our country and over 700 billion dollars to a pack of nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling booze.

Now if that doesn't make you nervous, you may have a broken link in your nervous system.

Topic: POLL
Posted: Sunday, December 7, 2008 2:18:50 PM
Good points realitycheck.

Besides needed tort reform, the other huge impact on medical costs has been the insurance industry and the Federal Government.

When I began practicing in the mid-70's, very few people had health insurance.  Everyone paid cash.

Doctor visits were generally $7-10 at that time.

When Medicare entered the picture, THEY set the doctor fees.

And like most government programs, they set them ABOVE what was gererally being charged.

And what do you suppose most doctors did with their fee structure then?

This has continued for 3 decades now.

And to think, there are really people out there who think the government will contain the cost of health care.


The government will increase the cost OR they will ration the care as they do in Canada and Great Britain.
Topic: POLL
Posted: Saturday, December 6, 2008 12:42:09 PM
We may be entering a "sucker's" rally within a Bear market. 

Because of the massive government intervention in the free market economy, I suspect this will NOT be a "V" pattern Bear, but rather an "L" pattern prolonged recession.

I have no idea when the final market bottom will be reached or at what level.  Could be a long roller coaster ride.

Those believing in "long term" investing (AKA professional money managers) may need to reassess how long they really think it will take to regain the capital lost during the past 13 months.  A 50% loss requires a 100% gain just to stay even.  Kind of a sobering thought isn't it?

Topic: Seems like we've seen more market bottoms this year ...
Posted: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:26:30 PM
Let's see here.  The market is down 925 points in the 2 days since the election.

At this rate, it will only take 19 more days to reach 0.  That should be around Dec 3.

Since this meltdown has occurred on Bush's's all his fault right?

I'm sure I heard this on NBC or MSNBC just a few minutes ago.

Ah shucks, I'm headed to the beach.

Don't worry, be happy!

The government will soon take care of us all.    Hmmm.......
Topic: Ema levels as of Thurs Oct 2008 data for the DJ-30 with 60 min VIX
Posted: Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:03:00 PM
The market has already told us the 30 year Reagan bull market has ended.  (refer to the S&P 500 double top of 2000 and 2007).

Now the question remains, how long will Obama's socialism last?  The market could be entering a protracted period of stagflation......or worse.  If so, how are you guys positioning your finances for that probability?  I prefer hiding but that ain't gonna cut it.  lol
Topic: TCnet vs. e-signal
Posted: Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:47:20 PM
I looked at TradeStation's presentation overview this morning.  Pretty impressive, but also intimidating.

Don't they charge $60/mo for their trading platform, plus trading fees, plus a lot of other add-ons?

The system can be so automated you can get yourself into deep doo-doo pretty quick I bet.

Seems like a great platform if you like trading a lot per day.  Bet you can net $500/day and also spend the same amount in transaction fees.  lol.  Don't think that's where I want to go.

I like Telechart...easy to program and on one of my other monitors I have the realtime trading platform I use.  Works for me.