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Profile: seankozak77
User Name: seankozak77
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Friday, September 9, 2011
Last Visit: Friday, January 6, 2012 1:24:13 PM
Number of Posts: 4
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: I need a custom study built for linear regression?
Posted: Friday, January 6, 2012 1:24:12 PM
I currently use your platforms for scanning and several other charting functions. I know you offer a linear regression drawing tool which is simply a linear regression line, however i would like to know if you can build me the formula or code for a custom linear regression study for price.I would like to have for channel lines:outside line top = 100inside top = 50inside bottom = 50outside bottom = 100i really appreciate how you guys have helped me before with programming code so i hope you are able to assist me with this...Sincerely,Sean Kozak
Topic: Code For 2 Custom Indicators I have
Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:30:24 AM
here is the code for the 5 section implied volatility.  

declare lower; 
input days = 252;
input upperRange = 20;
input midUpperRange = 40;
input midLowerRange = 40;
input lowerRange = 20;
plot iv = round(impVolatility()*100);
plot hv = round(historicalVolatility()*100);
plot highIV = highest(iv, days);
plot lowIV = lowest(hv, 252);
def upperPct = upperRange/100;
def midUpperPct = midUpperRange/100;
def midLowerPct = midLowerRange/100;
def lowerPct = lowerRange/100;
def yearlyRange = highIV - lowIV;
plot upperPlot = highIV - yearlyRange*upperPct;
plot midUpperPlot = highIV - yearlyRange*midUpperPct;
plot midLowerPlot = lowIV + yearlyRange*midLowerPct;
plot lowerPlot = lowIV + yearlyRange*lowerPct;
addCloud(highIV, upperPlot, color.GREEN);
addCloud(lowIV, lowerPlot, color.RED);
addcloud(midUpperPlot, midLowerPlot, color.Yellow);
Topic: Code For 2 Custom Indicators I have
Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:29:27 AM
After posting the code in the email above i realize it is very crowded so i will post each code for each indicator separately .This is the code for the Bollinger Band indicator.

input price = close;
input displace = 0;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input pct_pierce = 1.0000;
def sDev = stdev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
plot MidLine = ExpAverage(data = price[-displace], length = length);
plot LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
plot UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
plot LowRiskLong = midline + (upperBand - midLine)/4;
plot LowRiskShort = midline - (midline - lowerBand)/4;
plot UpperPierce = upperband * (1 + pct_pierce/100);
plot LowerPierce = lowerband * (1 - pct_pierce/100);
Topic: Code For 2 Custom Indicators I have
Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:26:30 AM
Hi there, My name is Sean Kozak and I have been using TC2000 since august. I Use interactive brokers as my brokerage platform and I currently trade stocks options and futures. I have some specific questions I am hoping you are able to answer for me.I am a student of Online Trading Academy and I have 2 custom code built indicators that i want to use in TC2000. The first indicator is a Bollinger Band Pierce indicator and it consists of 1 normal 2 std. dev. /20 ema Bollinger band with a 2nd bollinger band representing a 1% pierce of the band based on current price and the normal bollinger band. I currently use this in Think or swim as they recognize the ode i have built however I want to limit the number of platforms i work from down to tc2000 and IB.Here is the code for the bollinger band pierce indicator i would like to have built in TC2000.input price = close;input displace = 0;input length = 20;input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;input pct_pierce = 1.0000; def sDev = stdev(data = price[-displace], length = length); plot MidLine = ExpAverage(data = price[-displace], length = length);plot LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;plot UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;plot LowRiskLong = midline + (upperBand - midLine)/4;plot LowRiskShort = midline - (midline - lowerBand)/4;plot UpperPierce = upperband * (1 + pct_pierce/100);plot LowerPierce = lowerband * (1 - pct_pierce/100); LowerBand.SetDefaultColor(GetColor(0));MidLine.SetDefaultColor(GetColor(1)); UpperBand.SetDefaultColor(GetColor(5));The second indicator i would like to have built is an implied volatility indicator that separates IV into 5 sections that determines whether IV is high or low in relation to its 52/w high and 52/w low historical volatility. I also use this indicator in Think or swim and would like to use it with you to illuminate using three different platforms to work from. here is the code for the implied volatility indicator:declare lower; input days = 252;input upperRange = 20;input midUpperRange = 40;input midLowerRange = 40;input lowerRange = 20; plot iv = round(impVolatility()*100);plot hv = round(historicalVolatility()*100);plot highIV = highest(iv, days);plot lowIV = lowest(hv, 252); def upperPct = upperRange/100;def midUpperPct = midUpperRange/100;def midLowerPct = midLowerRange/100;def lowerPct = lowerRange/100;def yearlyRange = highIV - lowIV; plot upperPlot = highIV - yearlyRange*upperPct;plot midUpperPlot = highIV - yearlyRange*midUpperPct;plot midLowerPlot = lowIV + yearlyRange*midLowerPct;plot lowerPlot = lowIV + yearlyRange*lowerPct; addCloud(highIV, upperPlot, color.GREEN);addCloud(lowIV, lowerPlot, color.RED);addcloud(midUpperPlot, midLowerPlot, color.Yellow); highIV.setDefaultColor(color.GREEN);lowIV.setDefaultColor(color.RED);upperPlot.setDefaultColor(color.GREEN);midUpperPlot.setDefaultColor(color.Black);midLowerPlot.setDefaultColor(color.Black);lowerPlot.setDefaultColor(color.RED);I hope this is descriptive enough as I truly like using your platform...I currently work in a trading lab with 6 other traders and we are wanting too use your TC2000 platform for scanning and hopefully these two indicators for our trading. Can someone please respond to me via email at (email address removed by moderator) if there is any further questions please let me know. if you need to call me my number is (phone number removed by moderator) in case you want a more clearer description.I will await a response from one of the trainers.Sincerely,Sean Kozak