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Profile: cagutter
User Name: cagutter
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Daily Bar close on FOREX
Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 5:19:19 AM

Thanks for your response Bruce.


I think worden should thuink about changing this.  As a trader I want to be singing from the same sheet as everyone else.



Topic: Daily Bar close on FOREX
Posted: Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:29:14 AM


I currently use the software and im thinking of upgrading to your full package (TC 2000)

However, I am told by your support team that each daily bar on the FOREX charts closes at 12.00am est and the next one opens at that time.

Is this the case with TC 2000 and can it be changed?    All brokers and data providrs work off daily bars that close at 17.00est.

The daily close of the Forex market takes place at 4:59:59 pm NY time and signals the end of the current Forex trading day and the start of the new one which occurs at 5pm NY time as New Zealand / Australia and Asia trading gets underway. The New York close also reflects the close of the 2nd heaviest Forex trading session which is the New York session.

Closing prices are the most important in any market because they reflect who won the battle between the bulls and bears for that session. Also, as a price action trader focusing on the daily chart, we need to see the price action setup close out on the daily chart before we can correctly identify it as a price action signal, and it’s at the daily chart close that many significant price action setups form.

Another thing is if you are using pivots etc they calculate different to different closing times.


