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Profile: lasertrader
User Name: lasertrader
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: TC 2000 v.12.1 new pricing question
Posted: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 11:35:08 AM

OK folks..I just called and spoke to Jerry Gerding, Supervisor Customer Support

Each distinct alert Trndline or price you set gets charged a penny. It is NOT how many you are monitoring at any time. So if each night you delte a bunch and set a bunch of new ones they add up and you get chargedonce you exceed 200 in GOLD. Well like mos traders I know I set and delte new alerts every night and this will add up to9 many extra $$ for me and othersI know that use TC2000


Its too bad they are doing this Marketing blunder. So many are upset and looking at other alternatives. Many for the simple reason that "where there is smoke there is fire" and when is ther next xharge on top of what we have been using for a long time.

Topic: TC 2000 v.12.1 new pricing question
Posted: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 11:19:56 AM

I just received this from Worden..i have to admit it is still confusing. I hope they can be more specific. I shared it with a few friends and they still dont understand. Is Worden saying that as long as you arent Monitoring more than 200 trendline alerts at any time during the month there will be no extra charges for Gold subs? they mean that if you set up and monitor more than 200 distincrt trendline alerts during the month you will gett charged extra? I delte and set alerts every day.




Thank you for writing.  As a Gold subscriber, you automatically get a $2 credit each month toward any balance on your usage account. 

If you have been using the previously available price and trendline alerts in TC2000, which now cost 1 cent per month for monitoring, you could monitor up to 200 of them each month and it wouldn't cost you a penny.  Before version 12.1, you were limited to 100 alerts, period.
You can view the alerts charges that you have accrued by clicking on Tools - System Settings and then on the Account tab.  Also the full alerts and Live Scan rates can be viewed on this tab as well by clicking on View Rates.
Thanks for using TC2000 and please let us know if we can offer any further clarification on this.
Jerry Gerding
Supervisor of Customer Service & Support
Worden Brothers, Inc
Topic: TC 2000 v.12.1 new pricing question
Posted: Monday, March 19, 2012 5:33:09 PM

Hello Admin


I have read the description of the charges several times and to be honest they still done make sense. So if I set an alert then delete it 5 minutes later I pay for the day?


This is too crazy. You are really making this too complex and to be honest you should have grandfathered in all your current customers for the features we have been using for free for a very long time.



Topic: Cup & Handle PCF
Posted: Friday, January 8, 2010 8:33:27 PM
Nice results for that scan. Thanks for sharing it?