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Profile: puckster
User Name: puckster
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Joined: Friday, June 24, 2005
Last Visit: Monday, November 6, 2006 9:41:11 PM
Number of Posts: 38
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Time to short qqqq?
Posted: Friday, May 26, 2006 11:11:43 PM
Depening on how things open, I am going to short qqqq on Monday. We'll see how she goes.
Topic: Newbie Trade Execution Question
Posted: Saturday, March 4, 2006 11:08:41 AM
I got stopped out of USNA at 41.81 on February 24, but the low for the day was 41.87. How can this happen?
Topic: TA for "Value" Investing?
Posted: Monday, February 13, 2006 8:19:56 PM
Now there is a contradiction in terms if I ever saw one!

Seriously though, I am thinking about looking at a value investing newsletter, like Motley Fool's "Hidden Gems" to create a watch list, then use TA to find reduced-risk entry points. I realize that this is a far cry from the short-term trading or even trend following the most of us use our investing dollars, but I though I would ask.

Any thoughts?
Topic: Metals, Foreign Stocks, and O&G vs. US Dollar
Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:43:22 AM
Although not at all surprising (at least in retrospect), I noticed an interesting correlation in my recent scan of stocks with recent (past few days) price surges. There were tons of gold stocks, O&G companies, and foreign ETFs and trusts. This coincides with the recent slide in the value of the dollar as folks shed dollars for more stable or more valuable (because of favorable exchange rates) investments (at least that's what I am guessing).

The top 5-day MG Sub-Industries gainers are:

1. Gold at 9.8%
2. Industrial metals at 9.1%
3. Copper at 8.9%
4. O&G equip and services at 8.4%
5. O&G drilling and exploration at 8.4%

For something else interesting, set up a tab that looks at 5 day gain and open the ETF system watchlist and sort by 5 day gain (or do a visual sort on price percent change). All of the top gainers are invested in foreign markets, O&G, or gold.

Obviously, the recent fed (in)action has had an affect on the dollar.

Does anyone have any other observations or thoughts on what this might mean to the rest of the market?

Topic: Trailing-Stop Applications in TC
Posted: Sunday, December 4, 2005 11:33:44 AM
Tanks Jim. I am a member over there, so I'll pop over in the next day or so.
Topic: Watchlist of Stocks from Watchlist of MG Industry Gps
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:40:55 PM
Thanks Doug. What you described is exactly what I am currently doing, so I guess I am as well off as I can expect.

Can't have it all, I guess.
Topic: Removing a Criteria from an Easy Scan
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:27:16 PM
Is there a way to remove a criteria from an Easy Scan once it has been added? My current workaround is to choose something pretty much at random and include the entire range of values (MIN to MAX), which essentially nullifies the criteria. I was hoping there was a cleaner way to do this.

Thanks again,

Topic: PCF for Buy Signals based on Elder's Tripple Screen
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:07:27 PM
Oops! Found an error in my previous post (a most embarassing one, no less!). The formula for last MACD Hist one week ago was wrong and should be:

2.19608*XAvgC45.5 - 2.66667*XAvgC60.5 + 0.470588*XAvgC130.5 here is the rest of the formulae with it this error corrected:

2.19608*XAvgC45 - 2.66667*XAvgC60 + 0.470588*XAvgC130) -
(2.19608*XAvgC45.5 - 2.66667*XAvgC60.5 + 0.470588*XAvgC130.5) > 0

Now make sure that the MACD hist is negative.

2.19608*XAvgC45 - 2.66667*XAvgC60 + 0.470588*XAvgC130 < 0

The add the two period EMA of Force Index:

((C-C1)*V + 1/3*((C1-C2)*V1 + 1/3*((C2-C3)*V2 + 1/3*((C3-C4)*V3 + 1/3 * ((C4-C5)*V4 + 1/3 * ((C5-C6)*V5)))))) / (3/2 - 1/2*(1/3)^5) < 0

Put it all together:

(2.19608*XAvgC45 - 2.66667*XAvgC60 + 0.470588*XAvgC130) -
(2.19608*XAvgC45.5 - 2.66667*XAvgC60.5 + 0.470588*XAvgC130.5) > 0
(2.19608*XAvgC45 - 2.66667*XAvgC60 + 0.470588*XAvgC130) < 0
((C-C1)*V + 1/3*((C1-C2)*V1 + 1/3*((C2-C3)*V2 + 1/3*((C3-C4)*V3 + 1/3 * ((C4-C5)*V4 + 1/3 * ((C5-C6)*V5)))))) / (3/2 - 1/2*(1/3)^5) < 0

Sure am glad I caught that before one of the Jim's did.

Topic: Watchlist of Stocks from Watchlist of MG Industry Gps
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2005 6:45:55 PM
I have an Easy Scan that finds finds the top performing MG insustry groups based on 26-week and 1-month price percent change. So I have a watchlist of MG groups and now I would like to create a watchlist that contains all of the stocks in those industry groups. How can I do this without doing it manually for each group ("Change watchlist to Sub-Industry components" for each group and copy to a watch list). Please tell me there is an easier way.


Topic: Trailing-Stop Applications in TC
Posted: Saturday, December 3, 2005 2:40:39 PM
Jim D,

Any chance you would be willing to share your TanExits approach?
