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Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:58:56 AM

And another oddity. I created a simple static IIF

IIF ((20>10), (3),(4) )


This returns 4 and I also had to surround all of the values with () in order for syntax checker to clear it.


Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:53:30 AM

Understood but the formula is not doing that. I suspect that the IFF function is not working correctly. If you look at the results it does not return the value it should.


IIF( (236.81 = 236.81 AND 237.98 = 237.98 AND 234.71 = 234.71 AND 235.54 = 235.54 AND 49400.00 = 49400.00) ,(236.71) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.55 AND 237.98 = 239.65 AND 234.71 = 238.10 AND 235.54 = 238.95 AND 49400.00 = 157500.00) ,(237.98) ,IIF(....

I should have gotten 237.98 returned but I didn't, i got -1 (which is what I replaced 1/0 with at the end of the nested IIF statements. the if clause was true so the true condition of the IIF should have returned 237.98 but it instead fired the false condition and continued with the other nested IIF's

Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:24:25 AM

Another test I did was remove the IIF and just did a boolean eval and it appears to be working:

(O'10/18/18' = O1 AND H'10/18/18' = H1 AND L'10/18/18' = L1 AND C'10/18/18' = C1 AND V'10/18/18' = V1)


This evaluated to true:

(236.81 = 236.81 AND 237.98 = 237.98 AND 234.71 = 234.71 AND 235.68 = 235.68 AND 48400.00 = 48400.00)


Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:20:57 AM

Well appears that the forumula is not working this morning. (bumz). 

Current Formula:

IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O1 AND H'10/18/18' = H1 AND L'10/18/18' = L1 AND C'10/18/18' = C1 AND V'10/18/18' = V1) ,(H) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O2 AND H'10/18/18' = H2 AND L'10/18/18' = L2 AND C'10/18/18' = C2 AND V'10/18/18' = V2) ,(H1) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O3 AND H'10/18/18' = H3 AND L'10/18/18' = L3 AND C'10/18/18' = C3 AND V'10/18/18' = V3) ,(H2) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O4 AND H'10/18/18' = H4 AND L'10/18/18' = L4 AND C'10/18/18' = C4 AND V'10/18/18' = V4) ,(H3) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O5 AND H'10/18/18' = H5 AND L'10/18/18' = L5 AND C'10/18/18' = C5 AND V'10/18/18' = V5) ,(H4) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O6 AND H'10/18/18' = H6 AND L'10/18/18' = L6 AND C'10/18/18' = C6 AND V'10/18/18' = V6) ,(H5) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O7 AND H'10/18/18' = H7 AND L'10/18/18' = L7 AND C'10/18/18' = C7 AND V'10/18/18' = V7) ,(H6) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O8 AND H'10/18/18' = H8 AND L'10/18/18' = L8 AND C'10/18/18' = C8 AND V'10/18/18' = V8) ,(H7) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O9 AND H'10/18/18' = H9 AND L'10/18/18' = L9 AND C'10/18/18' = C9 AND V'10/18/18' = V9) ,(H8) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O10 AND H'10/18/18' = H10 AND L'10/18/18' = L10 AND C'10/18/18' = C10 AND V'10/18/18' = V10) ,(H9) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O11 AND H'10/18/18' = H11 AND L'10/18/18' = L11 AND C'10/18/18' = C11 AND V'10/18/18' = V11) ,(H10) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O12 AND H'10/18/18' = H12 AND L'10/18/18' = L12 AND C'10/18/18' = C12 AND V'10/18/18' = V12) ,(H11) ,
IIF( (O'10/18/18' = O13 AND H'10/18/18' = H13 AND L'10/18/18' = L13 AND C'10/18/18' = C13 AND V'10/18/18' = V13) ,(H12),-1
Result (for ticker ANET ):
IIF( (236.81 = 236.81 AND 237.98 = 237.98 AND 234.71 = 234.71 AND 235.54 = 235.54 AND 49400.00 = 49400.00) ,(236.71) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.55 AND 237.98 = 239.65 AND 234.71 = 238.10 AND 235.54 = 238.95 AND 49400.00 = 157500.00) ,(237.98) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.31 AND 237.98 = 239.67 AND 234.71 = 238.62 AND 235.54 = 239.55 AND 49400.00 = 65500.00) ,(239.65) ,IIF( (236.81 = 238.07 AND 237.98 = 239.47 AND 234.71 = 237.85 AND 235.54 = 239.31 AND 49400.00 = 41200.00) ,(239.67) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.82 AND 237.98 = 240.50 AND 234.71 = 237.67 AND 235.54 = 238.07 AND 49400.00 = 58500.00) ,(239.47) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.69 AND 237.98 = 241.04 AND 234.71 = 239.29 AND 235.54 = 239.93 AND 49400.00 = 61400.00) ,(240.50) ,IIF( (236.81 = 238.72 AND 237.98 = 240.20 AND 234.71 = 238.63 AND 235.54 = 239.69 AND 49400.00 = 37100.00) ,(241.04) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.46 AND 237.98 = 239.70 AND 234.71 = 238.40 AND 235.54 = 238.72 AND 49400.00 = 39400.00) ,(240.20) ,IIF( (236.81 = 239.02 AND 237.98 = 240.26 AND 234.71 = 238.12 AND 235.54 = 239.46 AND 49400.00 = 72700.00) ,(239.70) ,IIF( (236.81 = 240.29 AND 237.98 = 240.70 AND 234.71 = 238.15 AND 235.54 = 239.02 AND 49400.00 = 110100.00) ,(240.26) ,IIF( (236.81 = 236.15 AND 237.98 = 240.16 AND 234.71 = 235.84 AND 235.54 = 240.16 AND 49400.00 = 147100.00) ,(240.70) ,IIF( (236.81 = 235.52 AND 237.98 = 236.85 AND 234.71 = 233.77 AND 235.54 = 236.32 AND 49400.00 = 81900.00) ,(240.16) ,IIF( (236.81 = 236.72 AND 237.98 = 237.79 AND 234.71 = 235.00 AND 235.54 = 235.52 AND 49400.00 = 76600.00) ,(236.85), - 1)))))))))))))
I get a -1 return. In addition if I do just the first row i get the following:
IIF( (236.81 = 236.81 AND 237.98 = 237.98 AND 234.71 = 234.71 AND 235.87 = 235.87 AND 75200.00 = 75200.00) ,(237.98) , - 1 )
i get a -1????
Is the fact that I am on a Mac a possible cause of these inconsistencies? 


Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:12:12 PM

TY Sir! I did have to tweak the syntax a bit as the code as posted would not pass. Here is the final PCF for this. For some reason on my system, I had to add a lot of surrounding quotes to make it pass the syntax checker.


IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O1 AND H'10/17/18' = H1 AND L'10/17/18' = L1 AND C'10/17/18' = C1 AND V'10/17/18' = V1) ,(H) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O2 AND H'10/17/18' = H2 AND L'10/17/18' = L2 AND C'10/17/18' = C2 AND V'10/17/18' = V2) ,(H1) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O3 AND H'10/17/18' = H3 AND L'10/17/18' = L3 AND C'10/17/18' = C3 AND V'10/17/18' = V3) ,(H2) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O4 AND H'10/17/18' = H4 AND L'10/17/18' = L4 AND C'10/17/18' = C4 AND V'10/17/18' = V4) ,(H3) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O5 AND H'10/17/18' = H5 AND L'10/17/18' = L5 AND C'10/17/18' = C5 AND V'10/17/18' = V5) ,(H4) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O6 AND H'10/17/18' = H6 AND L'10/17/18' = L6 AND C'10/17/18' = C6 AND V'10/17/18' = V6) ,(H5) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O7 AND H'10/17/18' = H7 AND L'10/17/18' = L7 AND C'10/17/18' = C7 AND V'10/17/18' = V7) ,(H6) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O8 AND H'10/17/18' = H8 AND L'10/17/18' = L8 AND C'10/17/18' = C8 AND V'10/17/18' = V8) ,(H7) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O9 AND H'10/17/18' = H9 AND L'10/17/18' = L9 AND C'10/17/18' = C9 AND V'10/17/18' = V9) ,(H8) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O10 AND H'10/17/18' = H10 AND L'10/17/18' = L10 AND C'10/17/18' = C10 AND V'10/17/18' = V10) ,(H9) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O11 AND H'10/17/18' = H11 AND L'10/17/18' = L11 AND C'10/17/18' = C11 AND V'10/17/18' = V11) ,(H10) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O12 AND H'10/17/18' = H12 AND L'10/17/18' = L12 AND C'10/17/18' = C12 AND V'10/17/18' = V12) ,(H11) ,
IIF( (O'10/17/18' = O13 AND H'10/17/18' = H13 AND L'10/17/18' = L13 AND C'10/17/18' = C13 AND V'10/17/18' = V13) ,(H12),-1
Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:09:45 PM
Topic: First Hour Range
Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 10:16:20 AM

Hello, when using platinum I am struggling to figure out a PCF that will allow me to look at the first half hour and/or first hour ranges in a PCF. Some of my trading evolves around breeches of these ranges?

Any thoughts?

Topic: Linear Regression PCF
Posted: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:26:15 AM
I have spent a significant amount of time trying to understand a PCF previously posted by Craig_S.

100 * (7 * C + 6 * C1 + 5 * C2 + 4 * C3 + 3 * C4 + 2 * C5 + C6 - C8 - 2 * C9 - 3 * C10 - 4 * C11 - 5 * C12 - 6 * C13 - 7 * C14) / 280 / (MAXH17 - MINL17)

This is a 15 day LR slope indicator. I am trying to understand its values so that I can create a 10 day version of the same. Apparently my calculus classes from college are now moot as I cannot create a 10 day LR line. Please advise. Thanks in advance