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Profile: Isidur
User Name: Isidur
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Joined: Monday, August 10, 2009
Last Visit: Monday, August 17, 2009 4:40:50 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: PACR
Posted: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:04:28 PM
QUOTE (Apsll)
You contradict your self "sir". The accumulation that I claim is based on VSA. I told you how to find the details. It is my interpretation and it works for more than just me. VSA is  a widely accepted form of technical analysis and you know that you do not need me to lead you to the many links that can indulge you. I smell a rat and since there is only one rat on this forum than I need not venture further.

Sir, this is just what I mean.  When something doesn't make sense then it can't be explained.
Perhaps your interpretation is wrong or VSA makes no sense whatsoever.

Either way, it is just what I expected.

Topic: thinking out loud
Posted: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:50:38 PM
QUOTE (diceman)
"You know, for sucessful trading you don't have to know everything - you just have to know yourself.."
That's a good philosophy Isidur.
To bad they don't stick with it.
The problem is those who decide not to know everything and
only know themselves should also not become "experts" on
everything else.
They judge what doesn't work. What cant be done and become
experts on what they don't know or use.
There's a big difference between one who goes into a restaurant
and orders a chicken dish because that's what they like and one who
orders a chicken dish but must denounce those who order pork, beef,
lamb, and fish because they didn't order chicken.
That's when they show us their "know yourself" philosophy is just pretend.

Sir, I think I was clear on the fact that you don't have to know everything, and that the important think to be more sucessful in trading is to know yourself.I am not sure what you imply by your comments below, but I think it is clear that you carry much contradiction in your statement.If you don't know everything, how can you possibly become an expert on everything else?  Or do you mean an ignorant expert?Furthermore, what doesn't work usually is not what doesn't work - the user is what doesn't work - of course discounting extreme idiotic cases.  How easy is it to get into a trade for the average Joe?  Unless he / she has been burned before by the marketst (the burned can't usually make up its mind - just simply scared).I would say - very easy.  But how easy is it to get out.  What is the more important part of the "getting out"?  At the end -who or what makes the decision to make or give a profit?In the case of your restaurant you are comparing oranges to apples - it absolutely has nothing to do with the matter being discussed.You can search, scan, sort, and do all the things you may think will help get that winner - at the end what matters is your decision about when to enter, and exit that trade - emphasizing on the exit.The mind is a powerful thing - but many times deceiving.  Look at all of those who see the shades of Bigblock everywhere they turn.  What you truly believe is usually your destiny.  Is what you believe the real truth or the reflection of a shadow you fear?Thanks in advanced.Isidur.
Topic: thinking out loud
Posted: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:48:28 PM
Sir, I think I was clear on the fact that you don't have to know everything, and that the important think to be more sucessful in trading is to know yourself.

I am not sure what you imply by your comments below, but I think it is clear that you carry much contradiction in your statement.
If you don't know everything, how can you possibly become an expert on everything else?  Or do you mean an ignorant expert?
Furthermore, what doesn't work usually is not what doesn't work - the user is what doesn't work - of course discounting extreme idiotic cases.  

How easy is it to get into a trade for the average Joe?  Unless he / she has been burned before by the marketst (the burned can't usually make up its mind - just simply scared).
I would say - very easy.  
But how easy is it to get out.  What is the more important part of the "getting out"?  At the end -who or what makes the decision to make or give a profit?

In the case of your restaurant you are comparing oranges to apples - it absolutely has nothing to do with the matter being discussed.

You can search, scan, sort, and do all the things you may think will help get that winner - at the end what matters is your decision about when to enter, and exit that trade - emphasizing on the exit.

The mind is a powerful thing - but many times deceiving.  Look at all of those who see the shades of Bigblock everywhere they turn.  What you truly believe is usually your destiny.  Is what you believe the real truth or the reflection of a shadow you fear?

Thanks in advanced.


Topic: thinking out loud
Posted: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:32:41 PM

QUOTE (ben2k9)
1. trading is not a group's just one and his capital.

2. Being "right" or winning an argument in this forum does not add money to one's trading account.  If you've gotten to a point where you know EVERYTHING, why are you still posting here?  You should be living on your own island, or either generously sprinkling your gems of wisdom upon all of us for a reasonable monthly fee.

3. It's never a good idea to buy someone else's stock picks.  You never know the rationale, entry, exit, or hold criteria.  (see #1)  It's never a good idea to adopt someone's market view as your own.  Many market gurus hold diametrically opposing opinions.  Both cannot be right.  One can be wrong, but at least be wrong on your own free will, and when you are, recognize that fact and learn from it...otherwise you're doomed to repeat it.

4. Don't imagine what can happen in any situation, spend every free moment studying past winners of your preferred trade setup to know what can happen along the way.  One of the first things an artist learns is to stop drawing the image in their mind, and to draw the image they are actually looking at.  As a trader, it's all too easy to imagine what SHOULD happen, without a grounded base of knowledge of what HAS happened with similar trades.

I'm sure more wisdom will come to mind...please add to this thread if you are so inspired.



Dear Ben, I strongly agree with you.  
As for the little browsing that I have been doing around here, I think I also agree with tonson10.

You know, for sucessful trading you don't have to know everything - you just have to know yourself..

You keep up the good work, and keep on bringing the good questions, and comments - that is what makes a good forum.
To make a good trader, the trader has to make himself out in the markets - not in a forum.

Thanks in advance

Topic: PACR
Posted: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:21:27 PM
Sir, I dind't ask if it works for you, or for me, or for anyone else.  And I surely didn't ask anything about your successful trading or God forbid any details on VSA.
I simply asked you to explain the accumulation you claimed.  That is your interpretation of course.
I think is is a simple and fair request.

Thanks in advance.
Topic: PACR
Posted: Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:11:43 AM
Dear sir, can you prove to me the claimed VSA accumulation in the chart above?  Or at least explain it.I don't see anything else but distribution volume in an equity which price is falling during the time period that you remarked.Thanks in advance.
Topic: Gold versus Dollar
Posted: Monday, August 10, 2009 7:07:20 PM
Take a look at the dollar chart, and then at the gold.

The European central bank just confirmed another renewal of the 5 yr agreement to replace the existing pact to sell their gold.  They have reduce their max sale quota to 400 tons (about 25% less than previous level). Since the original agreement gold has quadruple, and the renewal of this pact adds a bullish note to it.

Also notice last rise of the dollar was about 50% of its decline over the last 10 days -YET gold moved lower just short of 25% during the same time.

Knowing the interelation between gold and the dollar it shouldn't be too hard to figure out where the dollar is headed.

I especulate that the bag of euros I bought months ago still have room to climb.

What is your take on this?

Thanks in advance.